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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The maior, maister Aldrich and others, whome they had receiued into the number of their gouer|nours, would oftentimes go vp into this tree, and make diuerse pithie orations to persuade the outra|gious multitude to giue ouer their riotous capines and spoilings. There were also certeine diuines which did vse all waies possible to withdraw them from their wicked attempts, and to reduce them to peace and quietnesse, although this was not doone without danger of their liues. Neuerthelesse, these in the daie time vsed to preach in the churches, and in the night to watch with armour vpon their backes, leauing no|thing vndoone that might séeme to apperteine vnto the dutie of godlie and vertuous diuines, or faithfull and obedient subiects. Among these was doctor Mat|thew Parker. afterward archbishop of Canturbu|rie, whose wisdome, faithfulnesse,Doctor Par|ker. and integritie was most apparant.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 He comming on a daie into the campe with his brother Thomas Parker, that was after maior of Norwich, sound them before the tree at common praier, the foreremembred Coniers vicar of saint Martins in Norwich saieng the Letanie. Wherevp|on doctor Parker thinking the time to serue for his purpose, went vp into the tree,He preacheth to the rebels. where he made a sermon, diuiding it into thrée seuerall parts. In the first he exhorted them to vse with moderation those vittels which they had prouided & brought into their campe, and not riotouslie nor lauishlie to wast and consume them. In the second he aduised them in no wise to séeke reuenge of priuat displeasures, and not to chaine or kéepe in irons those persons whom they held in ward, nor to take anie mans life from him. Lastlie, he wished that they should haue regard to themselues, & leaue off their rash begun enterprise, giuing eare to such heralds or other messengers as came from the king, and to shew such honour vnto his maiestie now in his yoong and tender yeares, as they might inioy him hereafter being growne vp in vertue, to their great ioy, comfort, and gladnesse. As he was handling this matter,The rebels threaten doc|tor Parker. with manie good and effectuall reasons, hauing the auditorie atten|tiue to his words, one lewd fellow among the rest cried out and said;

How long shall we suffer this hire|ling doctor, who being waged by gentlemen, is come hither with his toong, which is sold and tied to serue their appetite? But for all his prating words, let vs bridle them, and bring them vnder the orders of our law.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then began the multitude to stur and make a noise, threatening the preacher, some of them saieng; It were well, that for his faire told tale we should bring him downe with a mischiefe, with arrowes and iauelings. This spéech brought doctor Parker in no small feare, and the more, for that he heard a noise and clattering of weapons vnder him, so that he looked for present death among them. But herein he was deceiued: for there was not a man that stood next him within the compasse of the trée, would him anie harme. And immediatlie the foresaid vicar of EEBO page image 1031 S. Martins that executed the office of the minister, began with helpe of some singingmen that were present,Doctor Par|ke [...] conueieth [...]selfe from [...] the re| [...]s. the canticle Te Deum, wherewith the vnru|lie multitude seemed partlie to quiet themselues. Which occasion doctor Parker perceiuing to serue his turne, thought not longer to tarie amongst them, but quietlie got him downe from the trée, and with his brother made hast towards the citie. But before he came to Pockthorp gate, there were of the rebels that came to him, and began to question with him about his licence, whereby he was authorised to preach: but he perceiuing that there was no rea|son to be conceiued of them, slipt his waies, and left his brother to argue the matter with them.

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