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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The meaning of the foresaid proclamation.This proclamation tending to the benefit and re|léefe of the poore, appointed that such as had inclosed those commons, should vpon a paine by a daie assi|gned laie them open againe. But how well soeuer the setters foorth of this proclamation meant, think|ing thereby peraduenture to appease the grudge of the people that found themselues grieued with such inclosures; yet verelie it turned not to the wished effect, but rather ministred occasion of a foule and dangerous disorder. For wheras there were few that obeied the commandement, the vnaduised people presuming vpon their proclamation, thinking they should be borne out by them that had set it foorth rashlie without order, tooke vpon them to redresse the matter: and assembling themselues in vnlawfull wise, chose to them capteins and leaders, brake o|pen the inclosures, cast downe ditches, killed vp the deare which they found in parkes, spoiled and made hauocke, after the maner of an open rebellion. First they began to plaie these parts in Summersetshire,Commotions in Summer|setshire, and other places. Buckinghamshire, Northhamptonshire, Kent, Es|sex, and Lincolneshire.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In Summersetshire they brake vp certeine parks of sir William Herbert, and the lord Sturton: but sir William Herbert assembling a power togither by the kings commission, slue and executed manie of those rebellious people. In other places also, by the good diligence and policie vsed by the councell, the rebels were appeased and quieted. But shortlie after, the commons of Deuonshire and Cornewall rose by waie of rebellion, demanding not onelie to haue in|closures laied open, and parkes disparked: but also thorough the instigation and pricking forward of certeine popish priests,Rebellion in Deuonshire. Iohn Fox in Acts & Mo|numents. ceased not by all sinister and subtill meanes, first vnder Gods name & the kings, and vnder the colour of religion, to persuade the peo|ple to assemble in routs, to choose capteins to guide them, and finallie to burst out into open rebellion. Their chiefe capteins were these, Humfrie Arundell esquier,The names of the capteins of the rebels. gouernour of the Mount, Iames Rosogan, Iohn Rosogan, Iohn Paine, Thomas Underhill, Iohn Soleman, and William Segar. Moreouer, of priests which were principall stirrers, and some of them chiefe gouernors of the camps, and after exe|cuted, there were to the number of eight, whose names we find to be as follow: Robert Bocham, Iohn Thompson, Roger Barret, Iohn Wolcocke, William Alsa, Iames Mourton, Iohn Barrow, Richard Benet, besides a multitude of other priests which ioined with them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The whole companies of these rebels amounted little lesse than to the number of ten thousand stout and valiant personages,The number of the rebels in Deu [...]n|shire. able indéed (if their cause had beene good and fauoured of the Lord and giuer of vic|tories) to haue wrought great feats. But being (as they were) ranke and malicious traitors, the almigh|tie God confounded their deuises, and brought them to their deserued confusion. A strange case, that those mischéefous and wicked traitors could not be war|ned by the euill successe of their diuelish attempted outrage, in the yeare last past: at what time certeine seditious persons in Cornewall fell vpon one of the kings commissioners named master Bodie, sent thither with others for the reformation of matters in religion, in like manner as other were sent at the same time into other shires of the realme, for the which murther a priest being apprehended, arreig|ned, and condemned, was drawne into Smithfield, and there hanged and quartered the seauenth daie of Iulie, in the said last yeare before mentioned, to wit, 1548. Other of his complices and associats were ex|ecuted and put to death in diuerse other parts of the realme.

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