Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here ye haue to vnderstand also, that in part of the meane time whilest the duke of Summerset was in dooing of these exploits in Scotland (as ye haue heard rehearsed) the earle of Lenox, and the lord Wharton warden of the west marches,An inuasion made into Scotland. with an ar|mie of fiue thousand men, entred Scotland on that side, and first passing two miles after a daie and a nights defense,Annan church woone. they wan the church of Annan, tooke seuentie & two prisoners kéepers of the same, burnt the spoile for cumber of cariage, and caused the church to be blowen vp with powder, passing thence a six|téene miles within the land, they wan the castell of Milke,The castell of Milke woone. the which they left furnished with munition and men, and so returned. But of this ye shall find more in the historie of Scotland, by the sufferance of God, where we intreat of the dooings there in this yeare.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus much haue I collected out of master Pattens booke, or rather exemplified the same, not much di|gressing from his owne words, except where I haue bin forced to abridge his worke in some places, wish|ing to haue inserted the whole, if the purpose of this volume would haue so permitted, as well for the full vnderstanding of euerie particular point, by him re|membred, as also for his pleasant and apt ma [...]er of penning the same. Whilest the lord protector was abrode thus in wars against the Scots, the lords of the councell that remained at home, chiefelie by the good and diligent calling on and furtherance of the archbishop of Canturburie, and others of the clear|gie, tooke order for the aduancement of religion, cau|sing the bookes of homilies and the paraphrase of E|rasmus to be set foorth and had in churches.The homilies & paraphrase of Erasmus.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 At the comming backe of the lord protector from his iourneie into Scotland, the citizens of London determined to haue receiued him with great tri|umph: but he hearing thereof, forbad them in anie wise so to doo:
for (said he) if anie thing hath béene doone to the honour of the realme, it was Gods doo|ing, and therefore willed them to giue him the praise.Neuerthelesse the maior and aldermen, with cer|teine of the commoners in their liueries and their hoods,The lord pro|tectors re|turne. hearing of his approch to the citie, the eight daie of October met him in Finnesburie field, where he tooke each of them by the hand, and thanked them for their good wils. The lord maior did ride with him till they came to the pound in Smithfield, where his grace left them, and rode to his house of Shene that night, and the next daie to the king to Hampton court. The fourth daie of Nouember began a par|lement, called and holden at Westminster,A parleme [...]. which continued till the foure and twentith of December next following, & was then proroged. In this parle|ment, all colleges, chanteries, and frée chappels were giuen to the king, and the statute of the six articles was repealed, with diuerse others tending to the like end. Moreouer, during this parlement visiters be|ing appointed to visit in London, the sixtéenth of No|uember began to take downe the images in Paules church: and shortlie after all the images in euerie church, not onelie through London, but also through|out the whole realme, were pulled downe and de|faced.