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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Smith sometime schoolemaister of Heiton, Richard Turpine borne of a worshipfull familie in England & seruing in the garrison of Calis wrote a chronicle of his time, he died in the yéere a thousand fiue hundred fortie and one, and was buried in saint Nicholas church in Calis; Sir Thomas Wiat knight, in whose praise much might be said, as well for his learning as other excellent qualities meet for a man of his calling, he greattlie furthered to in|rich the English toong, he wrote diuerse matters in English méeter, and translated the seauen penitenti|all psalmes, and (as some write) the whole psalter, he died of the pestilence in the west countrie, being on his iourneie into Spaine, whither he was sent am|bassadour from the king vnto the emperour, in the yeare a thousand fiue hundred fortie and one; Henrie Howard earle of Surrie, sonne to the duke of Norf|folke, delighted in the like studies with sir Thomas Wiat, wrote diuerse treatises also in English mée|ter, he suffered at Tower hill, as in the historie of this king before yée haue heard.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Field a citizen and lawyer of London wrote sundrie treatises, as his owne answers vnto cer|teine articles ministred to him by sir Thomas More, the bishop of Rochester, Rastall, and others; when he was in prison for religion, he wrote also a treatise of mans fréewill, De seruo hominis arbitrio, and collections of the common lawes of the land, &c: Tristram Re|uell, Henrie Brinklow a merchant of London wrote a little booke, which he published vnder th [...] name of Roderike Mors, and also a complaint vpon London, &c: Robert Shinglet [...]n borne of a good fa|milie in Lancashire wrote a treatise of the seauen churches, and other things, as of certeine prophesies, for the which (as some write) he suffered at London, being conuict of treason in the yeare 1544: Willi|am Parreie a Welshman wrote a booke intituled Speculum iuuenum.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Of strangers that liued here in this kings daies, and for their works which they wrote were had in estimation, these we find recorded by maister Bale: Barnard Andreas a Frenchman, borne in Tolouse an Augustin Frier, and an excellent poet; Adrian de Castello, an Italian of Corneto a towne in Thus|caine, he was commended vnto king Henrie the se|uenth by the archbishop Morton, and therevpon was first made bishop of Hereford, and after resigning that sée, was aduanced to Bath and Welles; Andre|as Ammonius an Italian of the citie of Luca, se|cretarie to the king wrote diuerse treatises; Iames Calco an Italian also of Pauia in Lumbardie, by profession a Carmelite frier, an earnest defender of the diuorse betwixt the king and the ladie Katharine Dowager, disproouing the marriage be [...]wixt them to be in anie wise lawfull.

Thus farre the right high and renowmed Henrie the eight, sonne and successor to Henrie the seuenth.

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