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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the latter end of this yeare, doctor Sam|son bishop of Chichester, and doctor Wilson, which had béene committed to the tower (as before ye haue heard) were now pardoned of the king, and set a|gaine at libertie. In the beginning of this yeare, fiue priests in Yorkeshire began a new rebellion, with the assent of one Leigh, Anno Reg. 33. A new rebel|lion practised in Yorkshire. a gentleman, and nine temporall men, all which persons were apprehended, and in diuers places put to execution. The said Leigh and two other, the one named Taterfall a clothier, & the other Thornton a yeoman, on the seuentéenth of Maie, were drawne through London to Tiburne, and there executed. And sir Iohn Neuill knight, and ten other persons,

Sir Iohn Neuill exe|cuted.

The countesse of Salisburie beheaded. Execution of two of the gard.

died for the same cause at Yorke. The same daie, Margaret countesse of Salisburie, that had remained a long time prisoner in the tower, was beheaded there within the tower. She was the last of the right line and name of Plantagenet. The ninth of Iune for example sake, two of the kings gard, the one named Damport, and the other Chap|man, were hanged at Greenwich by the friers wall, for robberies which they had committed.

¶ On the tenth of Iune, Abr. Fl. ex I.S pag. 1020. Sir Edmund Kneuet ar|reigned for striking in the court. sir Edmund Kneuet knight, of Norffolke, was arreigned before the kings iustices (sitting in the great hall at Gréene|wich) maister Gage, comptrollor of the kings house|hold, maister Southwell, sir Anthonie Browne, sir Anthonie Winke [...]ield, maister Wrisleie, and Ed|mund Peckham, cofferer of the kings houshold, for striking of one maister Clers of Norffolke, seruant with the earle of Surrie, within the kings house in the tenis court. There was first chosen to go vpon the said Edmund, a quest of gentlemen,The order of euerie officer about that execution. and a quest of yeomen, to inquire of the said stripe, by the which in|quests he was found giltie, and had iudgement to lose his right hand. Wherevpon was called to doo the execution, first the sergeant surgion with his in|struments apperteining to his office: the sergeant of the woodyard with the mallet, and a blocke where|vpon the hand should lie: the maister cooke for the king, with the knife: the sergeant of the larder, to set the knife right on the ioint: the sergeant ferrer, with the searing irons to seare the veines: the sergeant of the poultrie, with a cocke, which cocke should haue his head smitten off vpon the same blocke, and with the same knife: the yeoman of the chandrie, with seare cloths: the yeoman of the skullerie, with a pan of fire to heate the irons, a chafer of water to coole the ends of the irons, and two formes for all officers to set their stuffe on: the sergeant of the cellar, with wine, ale, and béere: the yeoman of the yewrie in the sergeants stead, who was absent, with bason, ewre, and towels.

Thus euerie man in his office readie to doo the execution,Iudgement vpon Kneuet to lose his hand. there was called foorth sir William Pic|kering knight marshall, to bring in the said Ed|mund Kneuet; and when he was brought to the bar, the chiefe iustice declared to him his trespasse, and the said Kneuet confessing himselfe to be giltie, humblie submitted him to the kings mercie: for this offense he was not onelie iudged to lose his hand, but also his bodie to remaine in prison, and his lands and goods at the kings pleasure. Then the said sir Ed|mund Kneuet desired that the king of his benigne grace would pardon him of his right hand,He is par|doned. and take the left, for (quoth he) if my right hand be spared, I maie hereafter doo such good seruice to his grace, as shall please him to appoint. Of this submission and request the iustices foorthwith informed the king, who of his goodnesse, considering the gentle heart of the said Edmund, and the good report of the lords, gran|ted him his pardon, that he should lose neither hand, lands, nor goods, but should go frée at libertie.]

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