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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The mariage betwixt the king and the ladie Anne of Cleue adiud|ged vnlawful.The sixt of Iulie, certeine lords came downe in|to the nether house, & expresselie declared causes, for the which the kings marriage was not to be taken lawfull: & in conclusion, the matter was by the con|nocation cléerelie determined, that the king might lawfullie marrie where he would, and so might she. And thus were they cléerelie diuorsed, and by the par|lement it was enacted, that she should be taken no more for queene, but called the ladie Anne of Cleue In this yeare, the lord Leonard Greie,The lord L [...]onard Gr [...] committed the Tower. The prince [...] Salerne. brother vnto Thomas marquesse Dorset, being the kings lieute|nant in Ireland, was reuoked home, and vpon his comming to London was sent to the Tower. In Iulie the prince of Salerne, and the lord Lois Da|uola came into England to sée the king, & after they were departed, don Frederike, marquesse of Padu|la, brother to the duke of Ferrara, the prince of Ma|cedonie, the marquesse of Terra Noua, & monsieur de Flagie, with other, came from the emperors court into England to sée the king, the which on Marie Magdalens daie came to the court at Westmin|ster, and after they had béene highlie feasted, and no|blie interteined, they were richlie rewarded as the other, and so departed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The eight and twentith of Iulie (as you haue heard before) the lord Cromwell was beheaded, and likewisewith him the lord Hungerford of Heitesbu|rie, who at the houre of his death séemed vnquiet,The lord Hungerford executed for buggerie. as manie iudged him rather in a frensie than otherwise: he suffered for buggerie. The thirteenth of Iulie were drawne on hurdels from the Tower to Smithfield,Execution of Barnes and others. Robert Barns doctor of diuinitie, Thomas Garard, and William Ierom bachellors in diuinitie: Ierom was vicar of Stepnie, and Garard was person of Honie [...]ane: also Powell Fetherston, and Abell priests. The first thrée were drawne to a stake, there before set vp, and then burned. The other three were drawne to the gallowes, and hanged, beheaded and quartered. The thrée first (as is found in their attein|dor) were executed for diuerse heresies, but none al|ledged, whereat (saith Hall) I haue much maruelled, that their heresies were so manie, and not one al|ledged as a speciall cause of their death. And verelie at their deaths they asked the shiriffs what was their offense for which they were condemned? Who answe|red, they could not tell: but most men said it was for preaching against the doctrine of Stephan Gar|diner bishop of Winchester, who chieflie (as the same Hall saith) procured their deaths. The last thrée, to wit, Powell, Fetherston, and Abell, suffered for trea|son, as in their atteindor was speciall mention made, to wit, for denieng the kings supremacie, and affirming his mariage with the ladie Katharin Do|wager to be good.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The fourth of August,Thomas Empson [...] obstinate moonke. Thomas Empson some|time a moonke of Westminster, which had béene in prison for treason in Newgate now for the space of thrée yeares and more, came before the iustices of gaole deliuerie at Newgate, and for that he would not aske the kings pardon, nor be sworne to be true to him, his moonks garment was plucked from his backe, and he repriued, till the king were informed of his malicious obstinacie: and this was the last moonke that was séene in his clothing in England till queene Maries daies. The fourth of August were drawne from the Tower of London to Tiburne,Execution [...] treason. Giles Heron gentleman, Clement Philpot gentle|man, late of Calis, and seruant to the lord Lisle, Darbie Genning, Edmund Brindholme priest, chapleine to the said lord Lisle, William Horne late a laie brother of the Charterhouse of London, and an other offendor: which six persons were there han|ged and quartered, and had béene atteinted of trea|son by parlement. The same daie also was one Charles Carew gentleman hanged for robbing of the ladie Carew.

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