Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In Iulie was Edmund Cuningsbie atteinted of treason, for counterfeiting the kings signe ma|nuell, and in August was Edward Clifford for the same cause atteinted, and both put to execution as traitors at Tiburne.Execution. In September by the speciall motion of the Lord Cromwell, all the notable ima|ges,Certeine ima|ges takẽ away and remooued from their places. vnto the which were made anie especiall pilgri|mages and offerings, were vtterlie taken awaie, as the images of Walsingham, Ipswich, Worcester, the ladie of Wilsdon, with manie other, and likewise the shrines of counterfeit saints, as that of Thomas Becket, and others. And euen foorthwith, by meanes of the said Cromwell, all the orders of friers and nuns, with their cloisters and houses, Ab. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 1013. were suppressed and put downe. ¶ As for the images of our ladie of Walsingham, and Ipswich, were brought vp to London, with all the iewels that hoong about them, and diuerse other images both in England & Wales, wherevnto anie common pilgrimage was vsed, for auoiding of idolatrie, all which were burnt at Chelsie by the lord priuie seale.
On the first of September being sundaie, one Gratnell hangman of London and two other were hanged at the wrestling place by Clearken well,Hangman hanged. for robbing a booth in Bartholomew faire, at which exe|cution were aboue twentie thousand people, as Ed|ward Hall himselfe (then a present beholder) iudged. This moneth of September, Thomas Cromwell lord priuie seale, vicegerent to the kings highnesse, sent foorth iniunctions to all bishops & curats through the realme,The bible in euerie church to be read. charging them to see that in euery parish church, the bible of the largest volume, printed in English, were placed for all men to read on: and that a booke of register were also prouided and kept in euerie parish church, wherein shall be written eue|rie wedding, christening, and burieng,Register booke in euerie church to be kept. within the same parish for euer.
Saint Augustines abbeie at Canturburie was suppressed, and the shrine & goods taken to the kings treasurie, as also the shrine of Thomas Becket in the priorie of Christs church was likewise taken to the kings vse, and his bones, scull and all,Thomas Becket burnt. which was there found, with a peece broken out by the wound of his death, were all burnt in the same church by the lord Cromwell. The moonks there were commanded to change their habits, &c. The one and twentith of October, the church of Thomas Becket in London called the hospitall of saint Thomas of Acres was suppressed. Nicholas Gibson groser, for this yeare shiriffe of London, builded a free schoole at Ratcliffe, néere vnto London, appointing to the same,Frée schoole and almes houses at Ratcliffe. for the instruction of thréescore poore mens children, a schoole|master and vsher, with a stipend of ten pounds by the yere to the master, and six pounds thirteene shillings foure pence to the vsher. He also builded there cer|teine almes houses for fouretéene poore and aged per|sons, who quarterlie receiue six shillings eight pence a peece for euer.]