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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno reg. 28.On Maie daie were solemne iusts kept at Gréen|wich, and suddenlie from the iusts the king departed, not hauing aboue six persons with him, and in the euening came to Westminster. Of this sudden de|parting many mused, but most chéeflie the quéene. ¶On the next morrow, the lord Rochford brother to the quéene, Abr. Fl. ex I. Stow. 1006. Quéene Anne committed to the tower. and Henrie Norris were brought to the tower of London prisoners. Also the same daie about fiue of the clocke in the after noone, queene Anne of Bullongne was brought to the tower of London, by sir Thomas Audleie lord chancellor, the duke of Norffolke, Thomas Cromwell secretarie, and sir William Kingston constable of the tower; and when she came to the tower gate,Hir impreca|tion at the tower gate on hir knees. entring in [...]he fell on hir knées before the said lords, beséeching God to helpe hir, as she was not guiltie of that whereof she was accused, and then desired the said lords to beséech the kings grace to be good vnto hir, and so they left hir there prisoner.She is ar|reigned in the tower. On the fiftéenth of Maie quéene Anne was arreigned in the tower of Lon|don on a scaffold for that purpose, made in the kings hall, before the duke of Norffolke, who sate vnder the cloth of estate as high steward of England, with the lord chancellor on his right hand, the duke of Suffolke on his left hand, with marquesses and lords, &c: and the earle of Surrie sat before the duke of Norffolke his father, as earle marshall of Eng|land. The kings commission being read, the consta|ble of the tower, and the lieutenant brought the queene to the barre, where was made a chaire for hir to sit downe in, and there hir indictement was read, wherevnto she made so wise and discréet answers, that she seemed fullie to cleere hir selfe of all matters laid to hir charge: but being tried by hir péeres, whereof the duke of Suffolke was chiefe, she was by them found guiltie, and had iudgement pronounced by the duke of Norffolke.

The lord Rochford condemned.Immediatlie the lord Rochford the queenes bro|ther was likewise arreigned and condemned: the lord maior of London, his brethren the aldermen, the wardens and foure persons mo of euerie the twelue principall companies being present. The seauen|teenth of Maie, the lord Rochford brother to the quéene, Henrie Norris, Marke Smeton, William Brierton, and Francis Weston, all of the kings priuie chamber, about matters touching the quéene were beheaded on the tower hill:Quéene Anne and diuerse others behea|ded. the lord Roch|fords bodie with the head was buried in the chappell of the tower, the other foure in the churchyard there. On the ninetéenth of Maie quéene Anne was on a scaffold (made for that purpose) vpon the gréene within the tower of London, beheaded with the sword of Calis, by the hands of the hangman of that towne: hir bodie with the head was buried in the quéere of the chappell in the tower.]

20.1. The words of queene Anne at hir death.

The words of queene Anne at hir death.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _GOod christian people, I am come hither to die, for according to the law, and by the law I am iudged to die, and therfore I will speake nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speake anie thing of that whereof I am accused & condemned to die, but I praie God saue the king and send him long to reigne ouer you, for a gentler, nor a more mercifull prince was there neuer, and to me he was euer a good, a gentle, and a souereigne lord. And if anie person will meddle of my cause, I require them to iudge the best. And thus I take my leaue of the world, and of you all, and I hartilie desire you all to praie for me, Oh Lord haue mercie on me, to God I com|mend my soule, Iesu receiue my soule: di|uerse times repeting those words, till that hir head was striken off with the sword.

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