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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The whole cleargie of England [...]uer supported and mainteined the power legantine [...] the cardi|nall,The cleargie in danger of a p [...]emunire. wherefore the kings learned [...] said plain|lie that they were all in the premuni [...]e: the spirituall lords were called by processe into the kings B [...]nch to answer, but before their daie of appearance they in their conuocation concluded an humble submissi|on in writing, and offered the king a hundred thou|sand pounds to be their good lord,The offer of the cleargie to the king. & also to giue them a pardon of all offenses touching the premunire by act of parlement, the which offer with much labour was accepted, and their pardon promised. In this submission the cleargie called the king supreame head of the church of England,The king first named supreme head. which thing they ne|uer confessed before, wherevpon manie things fol|lowed after, as you shall heare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When the parlement was begun the sixt daie of Ianuarie, the pardon of the spirituall persons was signed with the kings hand, and sent to the lords, which in time conuenient assented to the bill, and sent it to the commons in the lower house. Now when it was read, diuers froward persons would in no wise assent to it except all men were pardoned, saieng that all men which had anie thing to doo with the car|dinall were in the same case. The wiser sort answe|red, that they would not compell the king to giue them his pardon, & beside that it was vncharitablie doone of them to hurt the cleargie, and doo themselues no good: wherefore they aduised them to consent to the bill, and after to sue to the king for their pardon, which counsell was not followed, but they determi|ned first to send the speaker to the king yer they would assent to the bill.

Thom. Aud|lie speaker for the commons.Wherevpon Thomas Audleie speaker for the commons, with a conuenient number of the com|mon house, came to the kings presence, and there elo|quentlie declared to the king, how the commons sore lamented and bewailed their chance, to thinke or imagine themselues to be out of his gratious fauor, bicause that he had gratiouslie giuen his pardon of the premunire to his spirituall subiects and not to them: wherefore they most humblie besought his grace of his accustomed goodnesse and clemencie to include them in the same pardon.The summe of the kings wise answer. The king wiselie answered that he was their prince and souereigne lord, and that they ought not to restraine him of his libertie, nor to compell him to shew his mercie; for it was at his pleasure to vse the extremitie of his laws or mitigate and pardon the same: wherefore sith they denied to assent to the pardon of the spirituall per|sons, which pardon (he said) he might giue without their assent by his great seale, he would be well adui|sed yer he pardoned them, bicause he would not be noted to be compelled to it.

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