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At which daie the great master, with one and thir|tie mulets laden with the crownes came to the one side of the riuer of Audaie,The deliue|rance of the French kings children. which riuer departeth Spaine and France, and there taried till the first daie of Iulie: on which daie the ladie Eleanor and the children were put in two great boates, hauing onelie twelue gentlemen of Spaine with them: and in like maner the great master with two great boats, in the which the mony was, and twelue gentle|men with him. All these boats met at a bridge made in the middest of the riuer. The constable of Spaine and his twelue gentlemen met with the great ma|ster of France and his twelue gentlemen on the bridge: and after a little salutation, the Frenchmen entered into the two boats where the ladie and the two children were; and the Spaniards into the two boats where the monie was, and then ech part hasted to land. Thus were the French kings wife and chil|dren deliuered into his hands, for which deliuerance was great ioy and triumph made in France: and al|so in Iulie were fiers made in London and diuerse other places for the same consideration and cause.]

Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 968, 969.¶ Now will we leaue France, and returne to England, renewing the remembrance of cardinall Wolseie, who after great sute made to the king, was licenced to remooue from Asher to Richmond,Cardinall Wolseie re|mooueth to Richmond. which place he had a little before repared with great costs, for the king made an exchange thereof with him for Hampton court. The cardinall hauing licence of the king to repaire to Richmond, made hast thither, and lodged there in the lodge of the great parke, which was a verie pretie house, there he laie vntill the be|ginning of Lent. Then he remooued into the charter|house of Richmond, where he laie in a lodging which doctor Collet made for himselfe, vntill he remooued northward, which was in the Passion weeke after, and euerie daie he resorted to the charterhouse there, and would sit with one of the most ancient fathers, who persuaded him to despise the vaine glorie of the world.

Then prepared the cardinall for his iournie into the north,The cardi [...] prepareth [...] his iournie into the north. and sent to London for liuerie clothes for his seruants, and so rode from Richmond to Hen|don, from thence to a place called the Rie, the next daie to Raistone, where he lodged in the priorie; the next daie to Huntingdon, and there lodged in the ab|beie; the next daie to Peterborow, and there lodged in the abbeie, where he abode all the next wéeke, & there he kept his Easter, his traine was in number an hundred and thréescore persons. Upon Maundie thursdaie he made his maundie, there hauing nine and fiftie poore men, whose féet he washed, and gaue euerie one twelue pence in monie, three els of good canuas, a paire of shoes, a cast of red herrings, and three white herrings, and one of them had two shil|lings.

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