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Compare 1577 edition: 1 At the same instant that the heralds were at the emperors court, the emperour called before him the said Guien king at armes of France,The empe|rors words to the French herald. and said to him as followeth: S [...]h it is reason that you enioy your priuileges, you ought also to doo your dutie; and therefore I praie you declare to your maister, yea euen to his owne person that which I shall tell you, which is this that since the trea [...]ie of Madrill, contra|rie to the same, diuerse of my subiects haue béene ta|ken going about their businesses, and other also go|ing to serue me in Italie, which haue béene deteined prisoners, euill intreated, and by force thrust into the gallies: and bicause I haue of his subiects the which I might likewise take, yee shall aduertise him, that if he deliuer vnto me mine, I will deliuer his if not, as he shall intreat mine, I will intreat his; and that he send me answer hereof within fortie daies: if not, I will take the refusall for an answer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king of armes Guien asked if his maiestie ment this concerning the merchants? Whervnto the emperor answered: This is beside that which is con|teined in your writing, touching the merchants, to which point (said he) I will answer by writing. And herewith Guien making thrée obeisances, said; Sir I will gladlie doo it. Then said the emperor,This the em|peror infer|reth to iustifie his owne dea|lings by waie of comparison Tell the king your maister further, that I beléeue that he hath not béene aduertised of that which I told to his ambassador in Granado, which toucheth him néere. For I told him in such a [...]ase so noble a prince, that if he had vnderstood the same, he would haue made me an answer. He shall do well to know it of his ambas|sador. For by that he shall vnderstand, that I haue kept better faith to him in that I haue promised at Madrill than he to me, and I praie you so tell him, and faile not hereof. Guien answered, Without doubt sir I will doo it: and so making his obeisance he departed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The emperor appointed Iohn le Alemant the baron of Buclans to see that no displeasure nor e|uill speach were vsed to the said kings of armes, but that they should be well vsed: which was doone to their good contentation. After this,The heralds receiue the emperors an|swer in wri|ting. the seauen and twentith of Ianuarie, the said kings of armes came to the said lord of Buclans, who by the emperours appointment deliuered an answer vnto either of them in writing, accordinglie as the emperor had promised, the copies whereof are set foorth at large in the annales of Aquitaine, and for bréefenesse here o|mitted. To conclude, the French king tooke such dis|pleasure with the emperours answers made vnto his king of armes Guien, whereby he was charged to doo otherwise than by his faith giuen he ought to haue doone,The s [...]auen & twentith [...]th Guic. pag. 1 [...]1. that the eight and twentith daie of March being in the citie of Paris, accompanied with a great number of the princes of his bloud, cardinals and other prelats and nobles of his realme, and also the ambassadors of diuerse princes and potentates, he called before him Nicholas Perenot lord of Granuelle, vnto whom he said in effect as followeth.

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