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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Which order had like to haue bred disorder, for that euerie countrie and place was not prouided a|like, and namelie London,Dearth of corne in Lon|don and else|where. that maketh hir prouision out of other places, felt great inconuenience hereby, till the merchants of the Stiliard, and others out of the Dutch countries, brought such plentie, that it was better cheape in London than in anie other part of England, for the king also reléeued the citizens in time of their néed with a thousand quarters by waie of lone of his owne prouision. The scarsitie at the first was more than the dearth. For in the beginning of their want, wheat was onelie at fifteene shillings a quarter, & from thence it rose to twentie shillings, and after to six and twentie shillings eight pence the quarter, till remedie by outward prouision was pro|cured and had. In this meane while the lord Lautrech with his armie was entred into Italie, where how he sped, and what came of that expedition, yee shall find in the histories of France and Italie, and there|fore in this place I passe it ouer. Sir Francis Poins knight, in the end of December, returned out of Spaine into England, leauing Clarenceaux behind him to bring further answer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The emperour at the request of this sir Francis Poins,The emperor releaseth 12 preiudiciall articles to the French king. who made the same in name of his maister the king of England, was contented to release twelue articles, which were reputed most preiudiciall to the French king, onelie to gratifie the king of England: but the cardinall kept the king still in dis|pleasure toward the emperor, for the fauour which he bare to the French king, whose onelie purposes he sought to aduance. The articles which were drawne at Amiens when the cardinall was there, were exhi|bited to the emperor by the French ambassadors, and EEBO page image 899 bicause he refused the same, word was sent to Cla|renceaux king of armes, to make defiance to the emperor. Wherevpon on the wednesdaie the two and twentith of Ianuarie, Guien king of armes to the French king, and Clarenceaux king of armes to the king of England, being in the citie of Burges in Spaine, came to the court of Charles the elect empe|rour, about nine of the clocke in the morning, and there did request of his maiestie, that it would please him to appoint them an houre of audience.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The lord de Chaoux by ordinance from his ma|iestie gaue them answer, that it should be about ten of the clocke before noone the same daie. And at the same houre his maiestie came into the great hall of his court accompanied with diuerse prelats,The emperor [...]mmeth at [...] houre of [...]dience. dukes, marquesses, earles, barons, and other great lords and good personages, of diuerse nations of his king|dome and seigniories in great number. The empe|rour sitting in a chaire prepared according to his dignitie, the two kings of armes of France & Eng|land being in the nether end of the hall, holding vpon their left arms each one his coat of armes, did make three solemne reuerences accustomed, with knée to the ground. And when they were at the lowest staire before his imperiall maiestie, Clarenceaux king of armes of England, hauing the words in both their names, spake as followeth.

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