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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On the fourtéenth of Ianuarie came to the court don Hugo de Mendoza, a man of a noble familie in Spaine:An ambassa|dour from the emperour. he came as ambassadour from the empe|rour put it to the kings determination, whether his demands which he required of the French king were reasonable or not. This noble man tarried here two yéeres. Abr. Fl. ex Edw. Hall in H. 8. fol. Cliiij. A plaie at Graies In. ¶This Christmasse was a goodlie dis|guising plaied at Graies In, which was compiled for the most part by maister Iohn Roo, sergeant at the law manie yeares past, and long before the car|dinall had any authoritie. The effect of the play was, that lord gouernance was ruled by dissipation and negligence,The argu|ment of the plai [...] by whose misgouernance and euill order ladie publike weale was put from gouernance: which caused rumor populi, inward grudge and disdaine of wanton souereignetie, to rise with a great multi|tude, to expell negligence and dissipation, and to re|store publike welth againe to hir estate, which was so doone.

This plaie was so set foorth with rich and costlie ap|parell, with strange deuises of maskes & morrishes, that it was highlie praised of all men,The cardi|nall is offen|ded at it and punisheth the author and actors of the same. sauing of the cardinall, which imagined that the play had beene de|uised of him, and in a great furie sent for the said mai|ster Roo, and tooke from him his coife, and sent him to the Fléet; and after he sent for the yoong gentlemen, that plaied in the plaie, and them highlie rebuked and threatned, and sent one of them called Thomas Moile of Kent to the Fléet, but by means of friends maister Roo and he were deliuered at last. This plaie sore displeased the cardinall, and yet it was neuer meant to him, as you haue heard. Wherfore manie wisemen grudged to sée him take it so hartilie, and e|uer the cardinall said that the king was highlie dis|pleased with it, and spake nothing of himselfe. But what will you haue of a guiltie conscience but to sus|pect all things to be said of him (as if all the world knew his wickednesse) according to the old verse:

Conscius ipse sibi de se putat omnia dici.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Ambassadors frõ the Frẽch king.The second of March were receiued into London the bishop of Tarbe, Francis vicount of Thurane, and master Anthonie Uescie second president of Pa|ris, as ambassadours from the French king. They were lodged in Tailors hall. On Shrouetuesdaie the king himselfe in a new harnesse all gilt, of a strange fashion that had not béene seene, Edw. Hall pag. Clv. A iustes. and with him eight gentlemen all in cloth of gold of one sute, embrodered with knots of siluer, and the marques of Excester, and eight with him in blew veluet and white sattin, like the waues of the sea, these men of armes came to the tilt, and there ran manie fresh courses, till two hundred fourescore and six speares were broken, and then they disarmed and went to the quéenes chamber, where for them was prouided a costlie banket.

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