Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hereof a thréefold euill chanced to the com|mon wealth, as Polydor noteth. One,The [...] wealth [...] thereby. for that there|by the number of husbandmen was sore diminished, the which the prince vseth chieflie in his seruice for the warres: an other, for that manie townes and villa|ges were left desolate, and became ruinous: the third, for that both wooll and cloth made thereof, and the flesh of all maner beasts vsed to be eaten, was sold at far higher prices than was accustomed. These enormities at the first begining being not redressed, grew in short space to such force and vigour by euill custome, that afterwards they gathered to such an v|nited force, that hardly they could be remedied. Much like a disease, which in the beginning with litle paine to the patient, and lesse labour to the surgeon maie be cured; whereas the same by delaie and negligence being suffered to putrifie, becommeth a desperate sore, and then are medicines nothing auailable, and not to be applied, according to his opinion that said:
Helleborum frustra (cùm iam cutis aegratumescit)Poscentes videas: venienti occurrite morbo. [...]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king therefore causing such good statutes as had beene deuised and established for reformation in this behalfe, to be reuiued and called vpon, tooke or|der by directing foorth his commissions vnto the iusti|ces of peace,Commissions granted for the mainte|nance of [...]l|lage and lai|eng open of inclosures and other such magistrats, that present|ment should be had and made of all such inclosures, and decaie of husbandrie, as had chanced within the space of fiftie yeares before that present time. The iustices and other magistrates, according to their commission executed the same. And so commande|ment was giuen, that the decaied houses should bée built vp againe, that the husbandmen should be pla|ced eftsoones in the same, and that inclosed grounds should be laid open, and sore punishment appointed a|gainst them that disobeied.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These so good and wholesome ordinances shortlie after were defeated by meanes of bribes giuen vnto the cardinall: for when the nobles and gentlemen,Bribes. which had for their pleasures imparked the common fields, were loth to haue the same againe disparked, they redéemed their vexation with good sommes of monie; and so had licence to keepe their parks and grounds inclosed as before. Thus the great expecta|tion which men had conceiued of a generall redresse, prooued void: howbeit, some profit the husbandmen in some parts of the realme got by the moouing of this matter, where inclosures were alreadie laid o|pen, yer mistresse monie could preuent them; and so they inioied their commons, which before had beene taken from them.