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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The kings maiestie perseuering in purpose to méet with Francis the French king, Anno Reg. 12. remooued with the quéene,The king set|teth forward towards France. and all his court, the one & twentith day of Maie being mondaie, from his manor of Gréen|wich towards the sea side: and so on the fridaie the fiue and twentith of Maie, he arriued at the citie of Canturburie, intending there to keepe his Whit|suntide. On the morrow after, the emperour being on the sea returning out of Spaine, arriued with all his nauie of ships roiall on the coast of Kent, direct to the port of Hieth the said daie by noone, where hée was saluted by the viceadmerall of England, sir William Fitz William, with six of the kings great ships well furnished, which laie for the safegard of passage betwixt Calis and Douer. Towards eue|ning the emperour departed from his ships, and en|tered into his bote, and comming towards land, was met and receiued of the lord cardinall of Yorke with such reuerence as to so noble a prince apperteined.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Thus landed the emperour Charles the fift at Douer,The emperor Charles the fift landeth in England. vnder his cloth of estate of the blacke eagle, all spread on rich cloth of gold. He had with him ma|nie noble men, and manie faire ladies of his bloud. When he was come on land, the lord cardinall con|ducted him to the castell of Douer, which was prepa|red for him in most roiall maner. In the morning, the king rode with all hast to the castell of Douer to wel|come the emperour,The méeting of the emperor and K. Henrie at Douer castell. and entering into the castell, a|lighted. Of whose comming the emperour hauing knowledge, came out of his chamber, and met him on the staires, where either of them embraced other in most louing maner, and then the king brought the emperour to his chamber.The emperor and K. Henrie kéepe Whit|suntide at Canturburie. On Whitsundaie earlie in the morning, they tooke their horsses, and rode to the citie of Canturburie, the more to kéepe solemne the feast of Pentecost: but speciallie to sée the quéene of England his aunt was the emperour his intent, of whome ye may be sure he was most ioifullie recei|ued and welcomed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Thus the emperour and his retinue, both of lords and ladies, kept their Whitsuntide with the king and quéene of England, in the citie of Canturburie with all ioy and solace. The emperour yet himselfe séemed not so much to delight in pastime and pleasure, but that in respect of his youthfull yeares, Polydor. there appea|red in him a great shew of grauitie: for they could by no meanes bring him to danse amongst the resi|due of the princes, but onelie was contented to be a looker on. Peraduenture the sight of the ladie Marie troubled him, whome he had sometime loued, and yet through fortunes euill hap might not haue hir to wife. The chiefe cause that mooued the emperour to come thus on land at this time, was to persuade that by word of mouth, which he had before done most ear|nestlie by letters; which was, that the king should not meet with the French king at anie interuiew: for he doubted least if the king of England & the French king should grow into some great friendship and faithfull bond of amitie, it might turne him to dis|pleasure.

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