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Anno Reg. 8.As ye haue heard the last yéere how the quéene of Scots with hir husband was come for succor into England, and laie at Harbottell in Northumber|land, till the kings pleasure was to send for them; so now know you that he (like a naturall brother) sent for hir and hir husband to come to his court for their solace:The king sendeth for the queene of Scots and hir husband to his court. for the which kindnesse the earle humblie than|ked the king, and promised to giue his attendance on the queene his wife to the court. Wherevpon the king sent William Blacknall esquier, clerke of his spicerie with siluer vessell, plate, and other things necessarie for the conueiance of hir, and sent to hir all manner of officers for hir estate conuenient. Now when she was readie to depart, she asked for hir husband, but he was departed into Scotland, and left hir alone; nothing remembring his promise. Which sudden departing much made hir to muse: howbeit,The queene of Scots comming to London, and so to Greene|wich. the lords of England greatlie incouraged hir to kéepe hir promise with the king hir brother.

Now when she was somewhat appeased, she set for|ward; and in euerie towne she was well receiued, & so on the third day of Maie she made hir entrie into London, riding on a white palfreie (which the quéene of England had sent vnto hir) behind sir Thomas Parre richlie beséene, and with a great companie of lords and ladies she rode through the citie to Bai|nards castell, and from thence she was conueied to Gréenewich, and there receiued ioiouslie of the king, the quéene,Three queenes in the English court at once. the French quéene hir sister, and highlie was she feasted. And when the king heard that the earle of Angus hir husband was departed, he said it was doone like a Scot. This quéene sometime was at the court, and sometime at Bainards castell, and so she continued in England all this yéere.

The king for the honour of his sister the ninetéenth and twentith daie of Maie prepared two solemne daies of iusts: and the king himselfe, and the duke of Suffolke, the earle of Essex, and Nicholas Carew esquier, tooke on them to answer all commers. The apparell of them and their horsses was blacke veluet, couered all ouer with branches of honie-suckles of fine flat gold of damaske of loose worke, euerie leafe of the branch moouing, the embroderie was verie cunning and sumptuous. On the king was atten|ding in one sute on horssebacke, the lord marquesse Dorset, the earle of Surrie, the lord Aburgauennie, the lord Hastings, sir Iohn Pechie, the lord Ferrers, sir William Fitz Williams, and twelue other knights. All these were in frockes of blew veluet, garded with rich cloth of gold, and their horsse trap|pers of blew veluet fringed with gold: and on foot were fortie persons all in blew sattin garded with cloth of gold. And so they entred the field with trum|pets, drumslades and other minstrelsie. Then in came the counterpartie richlie apparelled, to the number of twelue: and on that daie euerie man did well, but the king did best, and so was adiudged; and so at night they ceased, and came to supper.

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