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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But now I must returne to speake of the dooings in the North parts, betweene the Englishmen and Scots. Whilest the king was occupied in his warres against France in the summer of this yeare (as be|fore is mentioned) yée haue heard how the king of Scots sent his letters vnto the king, as then lieng at the siege before Terwine, and what answer was made thereto by the king. Immediatlie vpon the sen|ding of those his letters conteining in effect a defi|ance, the king of Scots assembled his people to in|uade the English confines: but before his whole po|wer was come togither,Lord Humes entereth the borders of England. the lord Humes that was lord chamberleine of Scotland, on a day in August entered England with seuen or eight thousand men, and getting togither a great bootie of cattell, thought to haue returned therewith into his countrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 But as he came to passe through a field ouer|growne with broome, called Milfield,Englishmen assaile the Scots. the English men vnder the leading of sir William Bulmer, and other valiant capteins, hauing with them not past a thousand souldiers, being laid within that field in ambushment, brake foorth vpon him: and though the Scots on foot defended themselues right manfullie, yet the English archers shot so wholie togither,Scots put to flight. that the Scots were constreined to giue place. There were of them slaine at this bickering fiue or six hun|dred, and foure hundred or more taken prisoners; the lord chamberleine himselfe escaped by flight,Lord cham|berleine es|capeth. The ill road. but his banner was taken. This was called by the Scots the ill rode. In the meane time was the whole power of Scotland assembled, with the which king Iames approching to the borders,Norham ca|stell besieged. and comming to Norham castell, laid siege thereto, hauing there with him an hundred thousand men.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After he had beaten this castell with his ordinance for the space of six daies togither,Norham ca|stell deliuered. the same was deli|uered vp into his hands; for the capteine was so libe|rall of his shot and powder, spending the same so freelie before he had cause so to doo, that when it shuld haue stood him in stead, he had none left to aid him, so that in the end he yeelded himselfe without more resistance.The earle of Surrie lieu|tenant of the north raiseth an armie. In which meane time the earle of Sur|reie being lieutenant of the north parts of England, in absence of king Henrie, had giuen order to assem|ble a power of six and twentie thousand men; and comming to Alnwike the third of September being saturdaie, taried there all the next day till the whole number of his people were come, which by reason of the foule way were staied,The lord ad|merall ioineth with the earle of Surrie his father. and could not come for|ward with such spéed as was appointed. This fourth daie of September then being sundaie, his sonne the lord admerall, with a thousand souldiers and able men of warre, which had beene at sea, came to his fa|ther; whereof he greatlie reioised for the great wise|dome, manhood, and experience, which he knew to be in him.

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