Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then the lord capteine remooued his field, & tooke an other place néerer to Fonterabie, where he laie a long time, looking euerie daie to haue aid of horsse|men and artillerie of the king of Aragon, but none came. Sir Iohn Stile caused to be bought two hun|dred mulets and asses of such price as the Spaniards gained greatlie,The English campe great|lie hindered for want of beasts to draw their [...]rdinance. and when they were put to carie and draw, they would not serue the turne, for they were not exercised thereto before that time; and so for want of beasts to draw such ordinance as the Englishmen had there with them, they lost the dooing of some great exploit against the Frenchmen on the fron|tiers of Gascoigne, for they might haue run a great waie into that countrie, being as then destitute and vnpurueied of men and munitions.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On a daie the Frenchmen made a skrie toward the English campe, but the Englishmen perceiuing them, passed the riuer that was betwixt them, and with arrowes chased the Frenchmen; so that for hast manie of their horsses foundered, and fell, yer they came to Baion: if there had béene anie horssemen a|mongst the Englishmen, they had sore indamaged their enimies.A gentle offer by the king of Nauarre to ye Engl [...]shmen The king of Nauarre doubting least the Englishmen were come into those parties for no good meaning towards him, sent to the lord mar|quesse a bishop, and diuerse other, offering to mini|ster vittels vnto the Englishmen for their monie, if it should stand so with his pleasure. The lord mar|quesse thanked him for the offer, and promised that if they of Nauarre would vittell his people, they should paie them well and trulie for the same.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 He said also that he would warrant their passing and repassing in safetie, and that by the Englishmen no preiudice should be doone to his realme. Herevpon were the Englishmen vittelled out of Nauarre, to their great comfort. After that the armie had laine thirtie daies in the second campe, there came from the king of Aragon a bishop and other nobles of his councell. This bishop was the same that made the answer to the lord Darcie at Calis the last yeare. The effect of his message was,The effect of the bishops message sent from the king of Aragon to the lord mar|quess [...]. to desire the lord cap|teine and his people to take patience for a while, and they should see that such preparation should be made for the furnishing of their enterprise, as should stand with the honour of his maister and their aduance|ments.