Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 During which season, the lord Darcie made saile toward England,The lord Darcie retur|neth out of Spaine. and arriuing at Plimmouth, came to the king at Windsore, and so this iourneie ended. During the time that the lord Darcie was in Spaine, the ladie Margaret duches of Sauoie, and daughter vnto Maximilian the emperour, and go|uernour of Flanders, Brabant, Holland, Zeland, & other the low countries apperteining to Charles the yoong prince of Castile,The duchesse of Sauoie sẽ|deth to king Henrie for aid against the duke of Gel|ders. sent in the end of Maie to the king of England, to haue fiftéene hundred ar|chers, to aid hir against the duke of Gelders, which sore troubled the countries aforesaid. The king ten|derlie regarding the request of so noble a ladie, most gentlie granted hir request, and appointed sir Ed|ward Poinings, knight of the garter, and comptrol|ler of his house, a valiant capteine and a noble war|riour, to be lieutenant and leader of the said fiftéene hundred archers.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This gentleman accompanied with his sonne in law the lord Clinton, sir Matthew Browne, sir Iohn Digbie, Iohn Werton, Richard Whethrill, & Shrel|leie esquiers, with other gentlemen and yeomen, to the foresaid number of fiftéene hundred, tooke their ships a mile beside Sandwich, the eightéenth daie of Iulie, and landed at Armew the nineteenth daie, not without some trouble, by reason of a little storme. From thence they were conducted to Barowe, whi|ther the ladie Regent came to welcome them. On the sundaie, being the seuen & twentith of Iulie, they departed to Rossindale, and on thursdaie the last of Iulie they came to Bulduke. And the next daie the whole armie of the Almans, Flemings, and other apperteining to the said ladie met with the English|men without Bulduke, where they set foorth in order; the ladie Regent being there present, which tooke hir leaue of all the captein [...], and departed to Bal|duke.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The armie to the number of ten thousand, beside the fifteene hundred English a [...]chers, passed forward; and the tenth daie of August, being saint Laurence daie, came before a little castle, standing on the high|er side of the Maze, called Brimnoist, belonging to the bastard of Gelderland. The same night,Thom. [...] gouernour of the English ordinance. The sort is woone. Thomas Hert, cheefe gouernour of the ordinance of the Eng|lish part, made his approach; and in the morning, made batterie so, that the assault therevpon being giuen, the fortresse was woone, and the capteine with eightie and od men were slaine, and ninetéene taken; of the which, eleuen were hanged. Iohn Morton, cap|teine of one hundred Englishmen, and one Guiot an esquier of Burgognie, crieng saint George, were the first that entered; at which assault, there was but one Englishman slaine. On thursdaie, the fourteenth of August, the armie feried ouer the riuer of Maze into Gelderland. The next daie, they came to a little towne called Aiske.