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In the meane season the pageant was conueied to the end of the palace, there to tarie till the danses were finished, & so to haue receiued the lords & ladies againe; but suddenlie the rude people ran to the pa|geant, and rent, tare, and spoiled the pageant,The rudene [...] of the people assembled to sée the shewe [...] so that the lord steward nor the head officers could not cause them to absteine, except they should haue foughten and drawen bloud, and so was this page|ant broken. Then the king with the queene and the la|dies returned to his chamber, where they had a great banket, and so this triumph ended with mirth & glad|nes. At this solemnitie a shipman of London caught certeine letters, which he sold to a goldsmith for three pounds fourtéene shillings & eight pence; by reason wherof it appéered that the garments were of a great value. After this great ioy came a sorowfull chance,The depar|ture of the kings yoong sonne out of this life. for the yoong prince which was borne vpon New-yeares day last past, vpon the two and twentith daie of Februarie, being then the euen of saint Matthie, departed this world at Richmond, and from thence was caried to Westminster and buried. The king like a wise prince tooke this dolorous chance wonde|rous wiselie; and the more to comfort the quéene he dissembled the matter, and made no great mourning outwardlie: but the queene, like a naturall woman, made much lamentation; how beit, by the kings good persuasion and behauiour, hir sorow was mitiga|ted, but not shortlie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the moneth of Februarie this yeare came am|bassadors from the king of Arragon and Castile,Ambassador [...] from the king of Spaine [...] aid against t [...] Moores. to require an aid of fiftéene hundred archers to be sent to the same king, hauing at that time war against the Moores, enimies of the christian faith. The king hearing their message gentlie granted their re|quest. And bicause the lord Thomas Darcie a knight of the garter,Lord Darc [...]e knight of the garter. made humble sute to the king to be ge|nerall of the crue that should be thus sent into Spaine, the king vpon trust of his approued valian|cie granted his desire. There were appointed to go with him the lord Anthonie Greie brother to the mar|quesse Dorset, Henrie Guilford, Weston Browne, and William Sidneie esquiers of the kings house, sir Robert Constable, sir Roger Hastings, and sir Rafe Elderton, with other gentlmen to be capteins.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 809 Anno reg. [...].In this second yeare, the king being foorth on his progresse, heard euerie daie more & more complaints of Empson and Dudlei [...], set foorth and aduanced no doubt by the drift of their deadlie enimies. Where|fore,

The seuenth [...] hath Iohn Stow.

Empson and Dudleie be|headed.

he sent writs to the shiriffes of London, to put them to execution, and so the seuentéenth daie of Au|gust, they were both beheaded at the Tower hill, and both their bodies and heads buried, the one at the White friers, and the other at the Blacke friers. The king about this season was much giuen to plaie at te [...]isse,The king lost much monie at tenise. and at the dise, which appetite certeine craftie persons about him perceiuing, brought in French|men and Lombards to make wagers with him, & so lost much monie; but when he perceiued their craft, he eschued their companie and let them go.

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