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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Also it was alleged against the said Empson, that he had sent foorth precepts directed vnto diuerse per|sons, commanding them, vpon great penalties, to appeare before him, and other his associats, at cer|teine daies and times within his house in S. Brides parish, in a ward of London, called Farringdon without: where they making their appearances, ac|cording to the same precepts,A charge of manifest op|pression and extortion. were impleaded afore him and other his said associats, of diuerse mur|thers, felonies, outlawries, and of the articles in the statute of prouisors conteined; also of wilfull escapes of felonies, and such like matters and articles apper|teining to the plées of the crowne, and common lawes of the realme. And that doone, the said per|sons were committed to diuerse prisons, as the Fléet, the Tower, and other places, where they were deteined, till they had fined at his pleasure, as well for the commoditie of the said late king, as for the singular aduantage of the said sir Richard Emp|son.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, whereas the said Empson, being re|corder of Couentrie,Empson som|time recorder of Couentrie. and there sate with the maior and other iustices of the peace, vpon a speciall gaole deliuerie within that citie, on the monday before the feast of saint Thomas the apostle, in the sixtéenth yeare of the late kings reigne; a prisoner that had beene indicted of felonie, for taking out of an house in that citie, certeine goods to the value of twentie shillings, was arreigned before them. And bicause the iurie would not find the said prisoner giltie, for want of sufficient euidince (as they after alleged) the said sir Richard Empson, supposing the same eui|dence to be sufficient, caused them to be committed to ward, wherein they remained foure daies togi|ther, till they were contented to enter bond in fortie pounds a péece, to appeare before the king and his councell, the second returne of the tearme then next insuing, being Quindena Hilarij. Wherevpon they kéeping their daie, and appearing before the said sir Richard Empson, and other of the kings councell, according to their bonds, were adiudged to paie e|uerie of them eight pounds for a fine, and according|lie made paiment thereof, as they were then thought well worthie so to doo. But now this matter so long past, was still kept in memorie, and so earnest some were to inforce it to the vttermost against the said Empson, that in a sessions holden at Couentrie now in this first yeare of this kings reigne,Empson in|dicted & [...]ound guiltie. an indictment was framed against him for this matter, and thereof he was found giltie, as if therein he had committed some great and heinous offense against the kings peace, his crowne and dignitie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus haue I thought good to shew what I find hereof, to the end ye may perceiue how glad men were to find some colour of sufficient matter, to bring the said sir Richard Empson, and maister Ed|mund Dudleie, within danger of the lawes; whereby at length they were not onelie condemned by act of parlement, through malice of such as might séeme to seeke their destruction for priuat grudges; but in the end also, they were arreigned: as first the said Ed|mund Dudleie in the Guildhall of London, the se|uentéenth of Iulie; and sir Richard Empson at Northampton in October next insuing: and being there condemned, was from thence brought backe againe to the Tower of London, where he remai|ned till the time of his execution as after yée shall EEBO page image 805 heare.

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