Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Tonneis a diuine and an Augustine frier in Norwich, wrote certeine rules of grammar, and other things printed by Richard Pinson; Gefferie surnamed the Grammarian; Iohn Alcocke bishop of Elie, changed a nunrie at Cambridge into a college named Iesus college, about the yeere of Christ 1496. The chiefe cause of suppressing the nunrie is noted to be, for that the abbesse and other of the conuent liued dissolute liues; Stephan Hawes a learned gentle|man, and of such reputation, as he was admitted to be one of the priuie chamber to king Henrie the se|uenth; William Bintree, so called of a towne in Norffolke where he was borne, by profession a Car|melite frier in Burnham, a great diuine; William Gallion an Augustine frier in Lin, and at length be|came prouinciall of his order.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Robert Fabian a citizen and merchant of Lon|don, an historiographer, he was in his time in good estimation for his wisedome and wealth in the citie, so that he bare office and was shiriffe in the yeare 1493; William Celling, borne beside Feuersham in Kent, a monke of Canturburie; Thomas Bour|chier descended of the noble linage of the earles of Essex, was first bishop of Elie, and after remooued from thense to Canturburie, succéeding Iohn Kemp in that archbishops see, at length created by pope Paule the second a cardinall; Philip Bromierd a Dominicke frier, a diuine; Iohn Miles a doctor of both the lawes, ciuill and canon, he studied in Oxen|ford in the college of Brasen nose, newlie founded in the daies of this king Henrie the seuenth by Wil|liam Smith bishop of Lincolne; Richard Shirborne bishop of Chichester, and imploied in ambassage to diuerse princes, as a man most méet thereto for his singular knowledge in learning and eloquence.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Robert Uiduus vicar of Thakestéed in Essex, and a prebendarie canon of Welles, an excellent poet; Peter Kenighall a Carmelit frier, but borne of wor|shipfull linage in France, hauing an Englishman to his father, was student in Oxenford, and became a notable preacher; Iohn Morton first bishop of E|lie, and after archbishop of Canturburie the sixtie and fourth in number that ruled that sée, he was ad|uanced to the dignitie of a cardinall, and by king Henrie the seuenth made lord chancellor, a worthie councellor and a modest, he was borne of worshipfull parents in Cheshire, & departed this life in the yeare of our Lord 1500; Henrie Meowall chapleine to the said Morton; Edmund Dudleie borne of noble pa|rentage, studied the lawes of this land, and profited highlie in knowledge of the same, he wrote a booke intituled Arbor rei publicae, the tree of the common wealth: of this man ye haue heard before in the life of this king, and more (God willing) shall be said in the beginning of the next king, as the occasion of the historie leadeth; Iohn Bokingham an excellent schooleman; William Blackeneie a Carmelit frier, a doctor of diuinitie, and a nekromancer.
Thus farre Henrie the seuenth, sonne to Edmund earle of Richmond.