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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Sir Gilbert Talbot knight, and Richard Bere abbat of Glastenburie, and doctor Robert Sherborne deane of Poules, were sent as ambassadors from the K. to Rome, to declare to Pius the third of that name newlie elected pope in place of Alexander the sixt de|ceased, what ioy and gladnesse had [...]tered the kings heart for his preferment. But he taried not the com|ming of those ambassadors, for within a moneth af|ter that he was installed, he rendered his debt to na|ture, Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 31 [...] and so had short pleasure of his promotion [not beguiling the hopes which the cardinals conceiued of him at the time of his creation, the six & twentith day after his election, which was in short time to die. This popes name was Francis Piccolomini cardinall of Sienna, in whom was no expectation of long life,Pag 31 [...]. both for his extreame age, and present sickenesse: a cardinall sure of vnspotted report, and for his other conditions not vnworthie that degrée; who to renew the memorie of Pius secundus his vncle, tooke vpon him the name of Pius the third.Pag 3 [...]7.

He succéeded Alexander the sixt, who went to supper in a vineyard néere the Uatican to reioise in the de|light & plesure of the fresh aire, & was suddenlie caried for dead to the bishops palace; his sonne also commu|nicating in the same accident, but with better for|tune. For the day folowing, which was the eightenth day of August, the dead corps of the pope (according to custome) was borne into the church of saint Pe|ter, blacke, swolne, and most deformed; most mani|fest signes of poison. But Ualentinois, what by the vigour and strength of his youth, and readie helpe of EEBO page image 795 strong medicines and counterpoisons, had his life sa|ued, remaining notwithstanding oppressed with long and greeuous sickenesse: it was assuredlie beléeued that the accident proceeded of poison, the discourse whereof (according to common report) was in this sort.

The duke Ualentinois, who was to be present at that supper, had determined to poison Adrian cardi|nall of Cornette,A practis [...] of [...]word by [...] to an [...] purpose [...]. reseruing that time and place to ex|ecute his bloudie resolution: for it is most certeine that in his father and him were naturall customes to vse poison, not onelie to be reuenged of their eni|mies, or to be assured of suspicions; but also vpon a wicked couetousnesse, to despoile rich men of their goods, whether they were cardinals or courtiers, al|though they had neuer doone them wrong, as hapned to the cardinall saint Ange, who was verie rich. This maner of rage they would vse also against their greatest friends & familiars, and such as had bin their most faithfull seruants, such as were the cardinals of Cap [...]a and Modeno: a recompense vnworthie the merits of good men, and not disagréeable to the dis|position of such a father and sonne, whereof the one made all things lawfull by vile dispensation; and with the other nothing was dishonest wherein was opportunitie to his purposes. The duke Ualentinois seat before certeine flagons with wine infected with poison, which he gaue to a seruant that knew nothing of the matter, commanding that no person should touch them.

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