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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The scholer was hanged on Shrouetuesdaie at saint Thomas Waterings,The counter|feit earle is executed. and the frier condemned to perpetuall prison. For at that time so much reue|rence was attributed to the holie orders, that to a préest (although he had committed high treason a|gainst his souereigne lord) his life was spared, in like case as to anie other offendor in murther, rape, or theft, that had receiued anie of the three higher holie orders. [The chéefe cause (saith Edward Hall) of this fauour was this, Abr. Fl. ex E [...]. Hall, in H [...]n. 7. fol. lj. The cause why the clergie neuer so heinouslie o [...]|fending was so [...]auoured. bicause bishops of a long time and season did not take knowledge, nor intermix them|selues with the search & punishment of such heinous and detestable offenses: by reason whereof they did not disgrade and depriue from the holie orders such malefactors and wicked persons, which without that ceremonie by the canon lawes could not be put to death.

Furthermore, what should a man saie, it was also vsed, that he that could but onelie read (yea although he vnderstood not what he read) how heinous or dete|stable a crime so euer he had committed (treason one|lie excepted) should likewise as affines & alies to the holie orders be saued, and committed to the bishops prison. And to the intent that if they should escape, and be againe taken, committing like offense, that their liues be no more to them pardoned: it was ordeined that murtherers should be burnt on the brawne of the left hand with an hot iron signed with this letter M. and théeues in the same place with this letter T. So that if they, which were once signed with anie of these marks or tokens did reiterate like crime & offense againe, should suffer the paines and punishments which they had both merited and deser|ued.Burning in the hand when enacted. Which decrée was enacted and established in a session of parlement kept in the time of this kings reigne, and taken (as I coniecture) of the French na|tion, which are woont, if they take anie such offendor, to cut off one of his eares, as a sure token and marke hereafter of his euill dooing.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Perkin Warbecke (as before ye haue heard) be|ing now in hold,Perkin cor|rupted his keepers. by false persuasions and great pro|mises corrupted his kéepers, Stranguish, Blewet, Astwood, and long Roger, seruants to sir Iohn Dig|bie lieutenant of the Tower. Insomuch that they (as it was at their arreignment openlie prooued) inten|ded to haue slaine their maister, and to haue set Per|kin and the earle of Warwike at large. Which earle of Warwike had beene kept in prison within the Tower almost from his tender yeares, that is to saie, from the first yeare of the king, to this fiftéenth yeare, out of all companie of men & sight of beasts, insomuch that he could not discerne a goose from a capon,Edward Plantagenet earle of War|wike a verie innocent. and therefore by common reason and open ap|parance could not of himselfe séeke his owne death and destruction. But yet by the drift and offense of an other he was brought to his death and confusion.

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