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Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEBO page image 787When the night of the same daie (being the fif|teenth of Iune) was come, after he had stood all that daie in the face of the citie, he was committed to the Tower, there to remaine vnder safe kéeping, least happilie he might eftsoones run awaie, and escape out of the land, to put the king and realme to some new trouble. For he had a woonderfull dextèritie and rea|dinesse to circumuent, a heart full of ouerreaching imaginations, an aspiring mind, a head more wilie (I wisse) than wittie; bold he was and presumptuous in his behauiour, as forward to be the instrument of a mischeefe, as anie deuiser of wickednesse would wish; a féend of the diuels owne forging, nursed and trained vp in the studie of commotions, making of|fer to reach as high as he could looke; such was his inordinate ambition, wherewith he did swel [...] as co|ueting to be a princes peere: much like the tode that would match the bull in drinking, but in the end she burst in péeces and neuer dranke more; as the poet telleth the tale (by the imitation of the fabler) saieng:

—cupiens aequare bibendo
Rana bouem, [...]. Pa [...]. in Virg. rupta nunquam bibit ampliùs aluo.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this yeare was an Augustine frier called Pa|trike in the parties of Suffolke, Anno Reg. 15. Patrike an Augustine Frier. the which hauing a scholer named Rafe Wilford (a shoomakers sonne of London as Stow noteth) had so framed him to his purpose, that in hope to worke some great enter|prise, as to disappoint the king of his crowne and seat roiall, tooke vpon him to be the earle of Warwike, insomuch that both the maister and scholer hauing counselled betwéene themselues of their enterprise,Rafe Wilford the counter|feit earle of Warwike. they went into Kent, & there began the yoong maw|met to tell priuilie to manie, that he was the verie earle of Warwike, and latelie gotten out of the Tower, by the helpe of this frier Patrike. To which saiengs when the frier perceiued some light credence to be giuen, he declared it openlie in the pulpit, and desired all men of helpe. But the danger of this sedi|tious attempt was shortlie remooued and taken a|waie, the maister and scholer being both apprehended and cast into prison and atteinted.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The scholer was hanged on Shrouetuesdaie at saint Thomas Waterings,The counter|feit earle is executed. and the frier condemned to perpetuall prison. For at that time so much reue|rence was attributed to the holie orders, that to a préest (although he had committed high treason a|gainst his souereigne lord) his life was spared, in like case as to anie other offendor in murther, rape, or theft, that had receiued anie of the three higher holie orders. [The chéefe cause (saith Edward Hall) of this fauour was this, Abr. Fl. ex E [...]. Hall, in H [...]n. 7. fol. lj. The cause why the clergie neuer so heinouslie o [...]|fending was so [...]auoured. bicause bishops of a long time and season did not take knowledge, nor intermix them|selues with the search & punishment of such heinous and detestable offenses: by reason whereof they did not disgrade and depriue from the holie orders such malefactors and wicked persons, which without that ceremonie by the canon lawes could not be put to death.

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