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Compare 1577 edition: 1 And that most greeued them, the Easterlings be|ing at libertie, brought to the realme such wares as they were woont, & so serued their customers through|out the realme. Wherevpon there insued a riot by the seruants of the mercers, haberdashers, & clothwor|kers in the citie of London, the tuesdaie before saint Edwards day. For they perceiuing what hinderance grew to their maisters, in that they were not able so well to kéepe them as before they had doone, assem|bled togither in purpose to reuenge their malice on the Esterlings,A riot made vpon the Ea|ster [...]ings. & so came to the Stilliard, & began to rifle & spoile such chambers & warehouses as they cold get into. So that the Easterlings had much adoo to withstand them, & kéepe them back out of their gates, which with helpe of carpenters, smiths, and other that came to them by water out of Southwarke, they sho|red & so fortified, that the multitude of the seruants and prentises, being assembled, could not preuaile.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At length came the maior with a number of men, defensiblie weaponed, to remooue the force; at whose approch those riotous persons fled awaie like a flocke of shéepe. But diuerse of them were apprehended, and vpon inquirie made before the kings commissioners, aboue foure score seruants & apprentises were found to be conspired togither, and sworne not to reueale it; of whome some of the chiefe beginners were com|mitted to the Tower, and there long continued. But in conclusion, bicause none of their maisters, nor a|nie one housholder was found culpable, the king of his clemencie pardoned their offense, and restored them to libertie. [For he thought it no credit to his crowne to take vengeance of such sillie soules by se|ueritie of death, whom in clemencie pardoning he might restore to a reformed life.]

Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 867. Execution for seditious bils against the kings person.¶On the two & twentith of Februarie in this yéere were arreigned in the Guildhall of London foure persons, Thomas Bagnall, Iohn Scot, Iohn Heath, and Iohn Kenington, the which were sanctuarie men of saint Martins le grand in London, and latelie be|fore were taken out of the said sanctuarie, for forging of seditious bils, to the flander of the king, & some of his councell, for the which thrée of them were iudged to die; and the fourth named Bagnall, pleaded to be restored to sanctuarie: by reason whereof he was re|priued to the Tower till the next tearme: and on the six and twentith of Februarie, the other three with a Fleming, and a yeoman of the crowne, were all fiue executed at Tiborne. ¶On the eight and twentith of Aprill Ione Boughton widow was burnt in Smithfield, for holding certeine opinions of Iohn Wickliffe. Wheat was sold at London at six pence the bushell,Uittels [...]|tie sold good cheape. baie salt for thrée pence halfe penie the bushell, Nantwich salt was sold for six pence the bu|shell, white herings nine shillings the barrell, red he|rings at thrée shillings the cade, red sprots six pence the cade, & Gascoigne wine for six pounds the tim.]

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