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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The newes hereof somewhat troubled him, so that he was with better will content to receiue the hono|rable conditions of peace offered of his enimie: bi|cause he should not be constreined at one time to make warre both at home,The conclu|sion of peace betwéene the English and French. and also in a forren re|gion. The conclusion of this agréement made with the Frenchmen, was this: That this peace should continue both their liues; and that the French king should pay to the king of England a certeine summe of monie in hand, according as the commissioners should appoint for his charges susteined in this iour|nie. Which (as the king certified the maior of London by his letters the ninth of Nouember) amounted to the summe of seuen hundred fortie and fiue thousand duckats: the which is of sterling monie, one hundred foure score and six thousand, two hundred and fiftie pounds. It was also concluded that he should yeare|lie (for a certeine space) paie or cause to be paid, for the monie that the K. had spent & expended in the de|fense of the Britans fiue & twentie thousand crowns.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Which yearelie tribute the French king (after|wards continuallie occupied in the wars of Italie) yearelie satisfied & paid so long as K. Henrie liued, who after he had taried a conuenient space at Calis, tooke the sea, and arriued at Douer, and so came to his manour of Gréenewich. Immediatlie after his returne thus into England, he elected into the fel|lowship of saint George, commonlie called the order of the garter, Alphonse duke of Calabre, sonne and heire to Ferdinando king of Naples. Christopher Urswike the kings almoner was sent to him vnto Naples with the garter, collar, mantell,Alphõse duke of Calabre made knight of the garter. and other habilments apperteining to the companions of that noble order. The which was reuerentlie receiued of the said duke, who in a solemne presence reuested himselfe with that habit, supposing by the counte|nance of that apparell to be able to resist his aduersa|rie the French king, sith he was now made a fréend and companion in order with the king of England: but that little auailed him, as after it was right ap|parant. [And here, bicause in sundrie actions we haue séene and obserued the French kings subtilties, his inconstancie, lacke of truth, honestie, and kinglie modestie; we maie be bold to set downe the descrip|tion of his person, as we sind the same readie drawne to hand; that by a view thereof we maie conclude that his properties were proportioned to his person.

It is verie certeine (saith mine author) that king Charles from his infancie was of complexion verie delicate, and of bodie vnsound and diseased, Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 43. The French king descri|bed. of small stature, and of face (if the aspect and dignitie of his eies had béene taken awaie) fowle and deformed, his other members bearing such equall proportion, that he séemed more a monster than a man: he was not onelie without all knowledge of good sciences, but scarselie he knew the distinct characters of letters: his mind desirous to command, but more proper to anie other thing, for that being inuironed alwaies with his familiars and fauourits, he reteined with them no maiestie or authoritie: he reiected all affaires and businesse, and yet if he did debate and consider in anie, he shewed a weake discretion and iudgement. And if he had any thing in him that caried apparance of merit or praise, yet being thoroughlie weied and sounded, it was found further off from vertue than from vice: he had an inclination to glorie, but it was tempered more with rashnesse and furie than with moderation and counsell: his liberalities were with|out discretion, measure, or distinction: immooueable oftentimes in his purposes, but that was rather an ill grounded obstinacie than constancie. And that which manie call bountie, deserued more reasonablie in him the name of coldnesse & slackenesse of spirit.]

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