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Compare 1577 edition: 1 And therefore to be defrauded hereof by an vn|profitable peace,Why the English pre|ferred warre before peace. they were in great fume, and verie angrie: and namelie, for that diuerse of the capteins to set themselues and their bands the more gorgeous|lie forward, had borrowed large summes of monie, and for the repaiment had morgaged their lands and possessions, and some happilie had made through sale thereof, trusting to recouer all againe by the gaines of this iournie. Wherefore offended with this sudden conclusion of peace, they spake euill both of the king and his councell. But the king like a wise prince as|swaged their displeasure in part with excusing the matter, alleaging what losse and bloudshed was like to insue both of capteins and souldiers, if the assault should haue béene giuen to the vtterance, especiallie sith the towne was so well furnished with men and munitions. When he had somewhat appeased their minds with these and manie other reasons, he retur|ned backe againe to Calis.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Polydor. Sir Iohn Sauage slaine at this siege.There were not manie of the English armie lost at this siege of Bullogne, & few or no men of name, sauing that valiant capteine sir Iohn Sauage knight, the which, as he and sir Iohn Riselie rode a|bout the wals of the towne, to view in what place it might be easiliest assaulted, was compassed about by certeine Frenchmen that were issued out of the towne, and there slaine standing at defense, and vt|terlie refusing to yéeld himselfe as prisoner. But sir Iohn Riselie escaped by flieng awaie. When the K. was thus returned to Calis, he began to smell a cer|teine secret smoke, which was like to turne to a great flame, without wise foresight, and good looking to. For by the craftie inuention, and diuelish imagi|nation of the ladie Margaret duchesse of Burgognie, a new idoll was set vp in Flanders, and by a forged name called Richard Plantagenet second sonne to king Edward the fourth,Richard Plã|tagenet a counterfeit of ladie Marga|rets imagi|ning. as though he had béene rai|sed from death to life.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The newes hereof somewhat troubled him, so that he was with better will content to receiue the hono|rable conditions of peace offered of his enimie: bi|cause he should not be constreined at one time to make warre both at home,The conclu|sion of peace betwéene the English and French. and also in a forren re|gion. The conclusion of this agréement made with the Frenchmen, was this: That this peace should continue both their liues; and that the French king should pay to the king of England a certeine summe of monie in hand, according as the commissioners should appoint for his charges susteined in this iour|nie. Which (as the king certified the maior of London by his letters the ninth of Nouember) amounted to the summe of seuen hundred fortie and fiue thousand duckats: the which is of sterling monie, one hundred foure score and six thousand, two hundred and fiftie pounds. It was also concluded that he should yeare|lie (for a certeine space) paie or cause to be paid, for the monie that the K. had spent & expended in the de|fense of the Britans fiue & twentie thousand crowns.

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