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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king of England considering that Britaine was cléerelie lost, and past recouerie, and that Maxi|milian for lacke of monie, and mistrust which he had in his owne subiects, laie still like a dormouse dooing nothing; and herewith weieng that it should be hono|rable to him, and profitable to his people to deter|mine this great warre without bloudished, appointed the bishop of Excester, and Giles lord Daubenie to EEBO page image 775 passe the seas to Calis,Commissio|ners sent ouer to Calis a|bout the said [...]eace. and so to commun with the lord Chordes of articles of peace, which tooke effect as after ye shall perceiue. In the meane time, whilest the commissioners were communing of peace on the marches of France, the king of England (as ye haue heard) was arriued at Calis: from whense af|ter all things were prepared for such a iournie, he re|mooued in foure battels forward, till he came néere to the towne of Bullogne,Bullogne be|si [...]ged by the Englishmen the king him|selfe p [...]esent. & there pitched his tents before it in a conuenient place for his purpose, mea|ning to assaile the towne with his whole force & puis|sance.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But there was such a strong garison of warlike souldiers within that fortresse, and such plentie of ar|tillerie, and necessarie munitions of warre, that the losse of Englishmen assaulting the towne (as was doubted) should be greater damage to the realme of England, than the gaining thereof should be profit. Howbeit the dailie shot of the kings battering pee|ces brake the wals, and sore defaced them. But when euerie man was readie to giue the assault, a sudden rumor rose in the armie that peace was concluded: which brute as it was pleasant to the Frenchmen, so was it displesant to the Englishmen, bicause they were prest and readie at all times to set on their eni|mies, and brought into great hope to haue béene in|riched by the spoile and gaine to haue fallen to their lots of their enimies goods, beside the glorious fame of renowmed victorie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And therefore to be defrauded hereof by an vn|profitable peace,Why the English pre|ferred warre before peace. they were in great fume, and verie angrie: and namelie, for that diuerse of the capteins to set themselues and their bands the more gorgeous|lie forward, had borrowed large summes of monie, and for the repaiment had morgaged their lands and possessions, and some happilie had made through sale thereof, trusting to recouer all againe by the gaines of this iournie. Wherefore offended with this sudden conclusion of peace, they spake euill both of the king and his councell. But the king like a wise prince as|swaged their displeasure in part with excusing the matter, alleaging what losse and bloudshed was like to insue both of capteins and souldiers, if the assault should haue béene giuen to the vtterance, especiallie sith the towne was so well furnished with men and munitions. When he had somewhat appeased their minds with these and manie other reasons, he retur|ned backe againe to Calis.

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