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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cause of Maximilians malice against Charles of FranceNow was Maximilian in great chase toward the French king, not onelie for that he had refused his daughter, but also had béereued him of his assured wife the said ladie Anne, contrarie to all right and conscience. Wherefore he sent vnto king Henrie, de|siring him with all speed to passe the seas with his ar|mie, that they might pursue the warre against their aduersarie, with fire, sword and bloud. King Henrie hearing this, and hauing no mistrust in the promise of Maximilian, with all speed leuied an armie, and rigged his nauie of ships. And when all things were readie, he sent his almon [...]r Christopher Urswike, and sir Iohn Riseleie knight vnto Maximilian, to certifie him, that the king was in a readinesse, and would arriue at Calis, as soone as he should be ad|uertised that Maximilian and his men were readie to ioine with him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 These ambassadors comming into Flanders, perceiued that Maximilian was neither purue [...]ed of men, monie, nor armor,Maximilian dealeth disho|nestlie with the king of England to his great v [...]xation. nor of any other thing neces|sarie for the setting foorth of warre; sauing onlie that his will was good, although his power was small. King Henrie being aduertised hereof by letters sent to him from his said ambassadors, was sore disquie|ted in his mind, and was almost brought to his wits end, to consider how his companions in arms should thus faile him at néed; but taking aduise of his coun|sell, at length he determined not to stay his prepen|sed iournie, and therfore he so increased his numbers before he tooke ship, that he with his owne power might be able to match with his aduersaries. When he had thus gathered and assembled his armie, hée sailed to Calis the sixt day of October, and there in|camped himselfe for a space, to see all his men and prouision in such readinesse, as nothing should be wanting.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this place all the armie had knowledge by the ambassadours (which were newlie returned out of Flanders) that Maximilian could not set foorth anie armie, for lacke of monie:Maximilian king of Ro|mans brea|keth [...] with king Henrie in i [...]ning with [...] to inuade France. and therefore there was no succour to be looked for at his hand. But the Eng|lishmen were nothing dismaid therewith, as they that iudged themselues able enough to match the Frenchmen without the helpe of anie other nation. In the meane season, although the French king had an armie togither, both for number and furniture able to trie in battell with the Englishmen: yet he made semblance as though he desired nothing more than peaceThe dis [...]|lation of the French king as the thing much more profitable to him than warre: considering the minds of the Britains were not yet wholie setled.

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