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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Maximilian king of Romans, intending to be re|uenged on the Frenchmen for the manie iniuries doone to him of late (and especiallie for that king Charles had forsaken his daughter ladie Margaret, and purposed to take to wife the ladie Anne of Bri|taine) bicause he was not rich enough to mainteine the warre of himselfe, he sent his ambassadour, one Iames Contibald, a man of great wisedome, to re|quire the king of England to take his part against the French king, making diuers great offers on his owne behalfe, if it should please him so to doo.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Henrie and Maximi|lian agrée to plague the Frenchmen.King Henrie no lesse desirous than Maximilian to put the French king to trouble, and chieflie to aid the Britains in the extremitie of their businesse, gladlie consented to the request of Maximilian; and promi|sed to prepare an armie with all speed, and in time conuenient to passe the seas with the same, and in|uade the French territories. In this verie season, Charles the French king receiued the ladie Anne of Britaine, Anno. Reg. 7. as his pupill into his hands, and with great solemnitie hir espoused, hauing with hir in dower, the whole duchie of Britaine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The cause of Maximilians malice against Charles of FranceNow was Maximilian in great chase toward the French king, not onelie for that he had refused his daughter, but also had béereued him of his assured wife the said ladie Anne, contrarie to all right and conscience. Wherefore he sent vnto king Henrie, de|siring him with all speed to passe the seas with his ar|mie, that they might pursue the warre against their aduersarie, with fire, sword and bloud. King Henrie hearing this, and hauing no mistrust in the promise of Maximilian, with all speed leuied an armie, and rigged his nauie of ships. And when all things were readie, he sent his almon [...]r Christopher Urswike, and sir Iohn Riseleie knight vnto Maximilian, to certifie him, that the king was in a readinesse, and would arriue at Calis, as soone as he should be ad|uertised that Maximilian and his men were readie to ioine with him.

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