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Abr. Fl. ex G [...]ic. pag 4, 5. Creation of pope Alexan|der the sixt, Otherwise called Rode|rike Borgia borne at Ue|nice.¶ This Alexander the sixt pope of that name, was sometime an ancient cardinall, and one of the grea|test in all the court of Rome. One meane that raised him to the seat of the pope, was the difference be|tweene the cardinals Ascanius Sforce, and Iulian S. Petriad Uincula: but the chiefest thing that ac|complished his election, was, that with a new exam|ple for that time, he bought by the consent and know|ledge of euerie one, partlie for monie, and partlie with promises of offices and great dignities, manie voices of the cardinals, who reiecting the instruction of the gospell,Corruption of Cardinals in the election of the pope. were not ashamed to passe to him by sale, an authoritie and power to make merchandize of the holie tresures, & that with the name of the cele|stiall authoritie in the most high part of the temple.

To which abhominable & too too prophane negotia|tion manie of them were induced by the cardinall Ascanius, but that was not more with persuasions and sutes, than with his example: for that being cor|rupted with the infinit desire of riches, he made the pope promise him for his hire and recompense of so great wickednesse, the office of vicechancellorship (the principallest place in the court of Rome) togi|ther with benefices, castels, and his palace of Rome full of mooueables of great valour. But the pope for all this could not auoid; neither for the time to come, the iudgment and iustice of God; nor for the present, the infamie and iust hate of men, in whom for this e|lection was no small impressions of astonishment and horror, not onelie for that it was intangled with meanes dishonest, but also bicause the natures and conditions of the man chosen, were (for the greatest part) knowen to manie.

Manie sentences and coniectures were made of his successe. And amongst other, Ferdinand king of Naples, dissembling openlie the griefe he had of that election, signified to the quéene his wife with teares (which he was woont to forbeare euen in the death of his children) that there was created a pope who wold be most hurtfull to Italie, and the whole common weale of christendome. A iudgement not vnworthie of the wisedome of such a prince: for that in Alexan|der the sixt (for so would this new pope be called) was a subtiltie, sharpenesse, and expedition of wit most singular, a counsell excellent, a woonderfull efficacie in persuasion, and in all great affaires a iudgement and care incredible.Pope Alexan|der the sixt corrupted with manie vices, But these vertues were maruel|louslie defaced by his vices, for touching his maners and customes, they were verie dishonest, in his admi|nistrations he expressed little sinceritie, in his coun|tenance no shame, in his words small truth, in his heart little faith, and in his opinion lesse religion. Of the contrarie, all his actions were defiled with an in|satiable couetousnesse, and immoderate ambition, a barbarous crueltie, and a burning desire to raise and make great (by what meanes soeuer) his children, who were manie in number; and amongst others, one no lesse detestable than the father, to whose cursed coun|sels he became a wicked instrument. Thus much (by waie of digression) of Alexander, a pope (as you heare) well qualified, and therefore forward enough to creat cardinals both in England and elsewhere of like disposition. But to returne to the storie.]

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