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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Richard (as the fame went) might haue es|caped and gotten safegard by fléeing. For when they,How king Richard might haue escaped. which were next about his person, saw and perceiued at the first ioining of the battell the souldiers faint|lie and nothing couragiouslie to set on their enimies; and not onlie that, but also that some withdrew them|selues priuilie out of the prease and departed; they be|gan to suspect fraud and to smell treason; and not one|lie exhorted, but determinatlie aduised him to saue himselfe by flight. And when the losse of the battell was imminent and apparant, they brought to him a EEBO page image 760 swift and a light horsse, to conueie him awaie. He which was not ignorant of the grudge and ill will that the common people bare toward him, casting awaie all hope of fortunate successe and happie chance to come, answered (as men saie) that on that daie he would make an end of all battels, or else there finish his life. Such a great audacitie and such a stomach reigned in his bodie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 For suerlie he knew that to be the daie, in the which it should be decided and determined whether he should peaceablie obteine and inioy his kingdome during his life, or else vtterlie forgo and be depriued of the same. With which too much hardines he being ouercome, hastilie closed his helmet, and entered fiercelie into the hard battell, to the intent to obteine that daie a quiet reigne and regiment; or else to fi|nish there his vnquiet life, and vnfortunat gouer|nance. And so this miser at the same verie point had like chance and fortune, as happeneth to such which in place of right iustice and honestie, following their sensuall appetite, loue, and vse to imbrace mischiefe, tyrannie, and vnthriftinesse. Suerlie these be exam|ples of more vehemencie, than mans toong can ex|presse, to feare and astonish such euill persons, as will not liue one houre vacant from dooing and exercising crueltie, mischiefe, or outragious liuing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The deuout behauiour of the earle of Richmond after the vic|torie.When the earle had thus obteined victorie, and slaine his mortall enimie, he knéeled downe and ren|dred to almightie God his hartie thanks, with de|uout and godlie orisons; beséeching his goodnesse to send him grace to aduance and defend the catholike faith; and to mainteine iustice and concord amongst his subiects and people, by God now to his gouer|nance committed & assigned. Which praier finished, he replenished with incomparable gladnesse ascen|ded vp to the top of a little mounteine, where he not onelie praised and lauded his valiant souldiers; but also gaue vnto them his hartie thanks, with promise of condigne recompense for their fidelitie and vali|ant facts, willing and commanding all the hurt and wounded persons to be cured, and the dead carcasses to be deliuered to the sepulture. Then the people reioi|sed, and clapped their hands, crieng vp to heauen; King Henrie, king Henrie.

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