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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But I thinke this was no dreame, but a punction and pricke of his sinfull conscience: for the conscience is so much more charged and aggreeued, as the of|fense is greater & more heinous in degrée. [So that king Richard, by this reckoning, must needs haue a woonderfull troubled mind, because the déeds that he had doone, as they were heinous and vnnaturall, so did they excite and stirre vp extraordinarie motions of trouble and vexations in his conscience.] Which sting of conscience, although it strike not alwaie; yet at the last daie of extreame life, it is woont to shew and represent to vs our faults and offenses, and the paines and punishments which hang ouer our heads for the committing of the same, to the intent that at that instant, we for our deserts being penitent and repentant, maie be compelled (lamenting and be|wailing our sinnes like forsakers of this world) io|cund to depart out of this mischeefe life.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now to returne againe to our purpose.King Richard bringeth all his men into the plaine. The next daie after, king Richard being furnished with men & all ablements of warre, bringing all his men out of their campe into the plaine, ordered his fore-ward in a maruellous length, in which he appointed both hors|men and footmen, to the intent to imprint in the hearts of them that looked a farre off, a sudden ter|ror and deadlie feare, for the great multitude of the armed souldiers: and in the fore-front he placed the archers like a strong fortified trench or bulworke. O|uer this battell was capteine,The duke of Norffolke and the earle of Surrie on K. Richards side. Iohn duke of Norf|folke, with whome was Thomas earle of Surrie his sonne. After this long vant-gard, followed king Ri|chard himselfe with a strong companie of chosen and approoued men of warre, hauing horssemen for wings on both sides of his battell.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After that the earle of Richmond was departed from the communication of his fréends (as you haue heard before) he began to be of a better stomach, and of a more valiant courage, and with all diligence pit|ched his field iust by the campe of his enimies, and there he lodged that night. In the morning betimes, he caused his men to put on their armour, and appa|rell themselues readie to fight and giue battell; and sent vnto the lord Stanleie (which was now come with his band into a place indifferent betwéene both the armies) requiring him with his men to approch néere to his armie, and to helpe to set the souldiers in arraie. But he answered that the earle should set his owne men in good order of battell,The lord Stanleie re|fuseth to set the earles men in bat|tell raie. while he would arraie his companie, and come to him in time conue|nient. Which answer made otherwise than the earle thought or would haue iudged, considering the o|portunitie of the time & the weight of the businesse. And although he was therwithall a little vexed, & be|gan somewhat to hang the head; yet he without anie time delaieng, compelled of necessitie, after this ma|ner instructed and ordered his men.

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