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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Wherefore he required them, as his speciall trust and confidence was fixed in the hope of their fideli|tie, that they would meet him by the waie with all di|ligent preparation; to the intent that he and they, at time and place conuenient, might communicate to|gither the déepenesse of all his doubtfull and weigh|tie businesse. When the messengers were dispatched with these commandements and admonitions, he marched forward toward Shrewesburie: and in his passing, there met and saluted him Rice ap Thomas with a goodlie band of Welshmen,Rice ap Tho|mas sweareth fealtie and seruice to the earle of Richmond. which making an oth and promise to the earle, submitted himselfe who|lie to his order and commandement. For the earle of Richmond two daies before made to him promise, that if he would sweare to take his part and be obe|dient to him, he would make him chiefe gouernour of Wales: which part as he faithfullie promised and granted, so (after that he had obteined and possessed the realme and diademe) he liberallie performed and accomplished the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane time the messengers, that wer [...] sent, diligentlie executed their charge, and laden with rewards of them to whom they were sent, returned to him the same day that he entered into Shrewes|burie: and made relation to him that his fréends were readie in all points to doo all things for him, which either they ought or might doo. The earle Hen|rie brought in good hope with this pleasant message, continued foorth his intended iournie, and came to a little towne called Newport, and pitching his campe on a little hill adioining, reposed himselfe there that night. In the euening the same daie came to him sir Gilbert Talbot, with the whole power of the yoong earle of Shrewesburie, then being in ward, which were accounted to the number of two thousand men. And thus his power increasing, he arriued at the towne of Stafford, and there paused.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There also came sir William Stanleie accom|panied with a few persons. And after that the earle and he had communed no long time togither; he re|uerted to his souldiors, whom he had assembled togi|ther to serue the earle: which from thence departed to Lichfield, and lay without the walles in his campe all the night. The next morning he entered into the towne, and was with all honor like a prince recei|ued. A daie or two before, the lord Stanleie, hauing in his band almost fiue thousand men, lodged in the EEBO page image 754 same towne. But hearing that the erle of Richmond was marching thitherward,The lord Stanleies de|uise to auoid suspicion of K. Richard and to saue his sonnes life. gaue to him place, dis|lodging him and his, and repaired to a towne called Aderstone, there abiding the comming of the earle. And this wilie fox did this act, to auoid all suspicion on king Richards part.

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