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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Wherefore, making not manie of his counsell, af|ter diuerse consultations, he determined not yet to set forward: but to tarie and attempt how to get more aid, more fréends, and more stronger succours. And amongst all other, it was thought most expedi|ent to allure by affinitie in his aid, as a companion in armes, sir Walter Herbert,Sir Walter Herbert. a man of an ancient stocke, & of great power among the Welsh, who had with him a faire ladie to his sister, of age ripe to be coupled with him in matrimonie. And for the atchi|uing of this purpose,A mariage purposed [...] disappointed. messengers were secretlie sent to Henrie earle of Northumberland (which had be|fore EEBO page image 753 maried another sister of sir Walter Herberts) to the intent that he should set forward all this de|uise and purpose: but the waies were so narowlie watched, and so manie spies laid, that the messenger procéeded not in his iournie and businesse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But in the meane season, there came to the earle a more ioifull message from Morgan Kidwellie, lear|ned in the temporall law,The Welsh|men offer to aid the earle o [...] Richmond. which declared that Rice ap Thomas, a man of no lesse valiantnesse than actiui|tie, and Iohn Sauage an approoued capteine, would with all their power be partaker of his quarell. And that Reginald Breie had collected and gotten togi|ther no small summe of monie for the paiment of the wages to the souldiers and men of warre: admo|nishing him also to make quicke expedition, and to take his course directlie into Wales. The earle of Richmond, bicause he would no longer linger and wearie his fréends, liuing continuallie betwéene hope and feare, determined in all conuenient hast to set forward, and caried to his ships armor, weapons, vittels, and all other ordinances expedient for warre.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After that all things were in readinesse, the earle being accompanied onelie with two thousand men, and a small number of ships, weied vp his anchors, and halsed vp his sailes in the moneth of August, and sailed from Harfléet with so prosperous a wind, that the seuenth daie after his departure, he arriued in Wales in the euening,The earle ar|riueth at Milford ha|uen. at a place called Milford hauen, and incontinent tooke land, and came to a place called Dalle; where he heard saie that a cer|teine companie of his aduersaries were laid in gar|rison to defend his arriuall all the last winter. And the earle at the sunne rising remooued to Hereford west, being distant from Dalle not full ten miles, where he was ioifullie receiued of the people, and he arriued there so suddenlie, that he was come and en|tered the towne at the same time when the citizens had but knowledge of his comming.

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