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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About this season, while the earle of Richmond was desiring aid of the French king, certeine noble men were appointed to rule the realme of France, during the minoritie of king Charles, which amongst themselues were not of one opinion.Dissention a|mong the péeres of France made the earle of Richmond re|new his sute and put him to his shifts. Of which dissen|tion, Lewes duke of Orleance was the chiefe stirrer, who bicause he had maried ladie Ioane sister to the French king, tooke vpon him aboue other the rule and administration of the whole realme. By reason of which controuersie, no one man was suffered to rule all. Wherefore the earle of Richmond was compel|led to make sute to euerie one of the councell seue|rallie one after another, requiring and desiring them of aid and reliefe in his weightie businesse, and so his cause was prolonged and deferred. During which time, Thomas marquesse Dorset, which was (as you haue heard) intised by his mother to returne againe into England, partlie despairing in the good successe of the earle of Richmond, and partlie ouercome and vanquished with the faire glosing promises of king Richard: secretlie in the night season stale out of Paris,The marque [...] Dorset forsa|keth the earle. and with all diligent expedition tooke his iournie toward Flanders.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When relation of his departure was made to the earle of Richmond, and the other noble men, no mar|uell though they were astonied and greatlie amazed. Yet that notwithstanding, they required of the French king, that it might be lawfull for them in his name, and by his commandement, to take and staie their companion, confederate, and partaker of all their counsell, in what place within his realme and territorie so euer they could find him. Which petition once obteined, they sent out currors into euerie part, amongst whom Humfreie Cheinie (plaieng the part of a good bloudhound) followed the tract of the fli|er so euen by the sent, that he ouertooke and apprehen|ded him not far from Campeigne; and so what with reason, and what with faire promises, being persua|ded, he returned againe to his companions.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Richmond vnburdened of this mis|aduenture, least by lingering of daies, and prolong|ing of time, he might loose the great opportunitie of things to him offered and ministred: also least he should further wound and molest the minds of his faithfull and assured fréends, which dailie did expect and tarie for his comming, determined no longer to protract and deferre the time; but with all diligence and celeritie attempted his begun enterprise. And so obteining of king Charles a small crew of men,The earle of Richm [...]nd hath [...] monie of the French king for hostages. and borrowing certeine summes of monie of him, and of diuerse other his priuate freends, for the which he left as debter (or more likelie as a pledge or hostage) lord Thomas marquesse Dorset (whome he halfe mis|trusted) and sir Iohn Bourchier, he departed from the French court, and came to the citie of Rone.

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