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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The earle sleeping not this first begun assault, sent the earle of Oxford with an elected companie of soul|diers to raise the siege, and rescue the castell: which at their first arriuing pitched their campe not far from their enimies. Now while king Richards men gaue vigilant eie, waiting least the earle of Oxford should take anie aduantage of them that laie on that side of the castell;Thomas Brandon en|tereth the ca|stell. Thomas Brandon with thirtie approo|ued men of war by a marish, which laie on the other side, entered into the castell. The souldiers within greatlie incouraged, & much comforted by this new succour and aid, grieued the enimies, by shooting from the walles more than they were accustomed to doo. Then they of the castell vexed their enimies on the fore part: and the earle of Oxford no lesse mole|sted & vnquieted them on the other part.Why king Richard gaue licence to all in the castell to depart in safetie with bag and bag|gage. Which was the occasion that king Richards men offered (of their owne méere motion) licence to all being within the castell to depart in safetie, with bag and baggage, nothing excepted.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Which condition the earle of Oxford, comming onelie for that purpose to deliuer his louing fréends out of all perill and danger, and chieflie of all, his old hostesse Iane Blunt, wife to Iames Blunt the cap|teine, would in no wise forsake or refuse: and so lea|uing the castell bare and vngarnished both of vittels and artillerie, came safelie to the earle of Richmond soiourning in Paris. During this time, king Ri|chard was crediblie informed of his inquisitors and espials, that the earle of Richmond was with long sute in the court of France sore wearied; and desi|ring great aid, could obteine small reliefe: in somuch that all things went so farre backwards, that such things as were with great diligence (and no lesse de|liberation) purposed and determined to be set for|ward, EEBO page image 752 were now dashed and ouerthrowne to the ground.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Richard either being too light of credence, or seduced and deluded by his craftie taletellers, great|lie reioised, as though he had obteined the ouer hand of his enimies with triumphant victorie, and thought himselfe neuer so suerlie deliuered of all feare and dreadfull imaginations: so that he néeded now no more once for that cause either to wake, or to breake his golden sleepe.K. Richard calleth home his ships of warre from the narrow seas. Wherefore he called home againe his ships of warre, which he had appointed to kéepe the narrow seas, and dispatched all such souldiers as he had deputed to kéepe certeine garrisons, and to stop certeine passages (as you haue heard before.) Yet least he might for lacke of prouision be sudden|lie trapped, he streightlie charged and gaue in com|mandement to all noblemen, and especiallie such as inhabited néere the sea coast, and on the frontiers of Wales, that (according to the vsage of the countrie) they should kéepe diligent watch and strong ward, to the intent that his aduersaries in no wise should haue anie place opportune easilie to take land, without de|fense or rebutting backe.

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