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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon he sent for Edward Wooduile,Edw. Wood|uile & Edward Poinings re|ceiue monie [...] the duke for ye earles condu [...] and his co [...]|panie. and Edward Poinings, valiant esquiers of England, and deliuered vnto them monie sufficient for their conduct, willing them to conueie the rest of the Eng|lishmen being in Britaine, to the erle of Richmonds presence. When the earle was thus furnished, and ap|pointed with his trustie companie, and was escaped all the dangers, labirinths, and snares that were set for him: no maruell though he were iocund and glad of the prosperous successe that happened in his affaires. Wherefore, least he should séeme to be blot|ted with the note of ingratitude, he sent diuerse of his gentlemen to the duke of Britaine, the which should publish and declare to him on the behalfe of the earle, that he and his were onelie by his benefit and fauour conserued and deliuered from the immi|nent danger that they were like to be trapped in. Wherefore at that time he rendered vnto him his most hartie thanks in words, trusting and not doub|ting, but in time to come liberallie to recompense him with acts and déeds.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this, the earle tooke his iournie to Charles the French king, lieng then at Langes vpon the ri|uer of Loire,The earle of Richmond goeth to the French king and telleth him the cause of his cõming to whome (after great thanks giuen for manifold pleasures by him to the earle shewed) hée disclosed and manifested the cause and occasion of his accesse and repaire to his person. After that, hée required of him helpe and succour, to the intent that by his immortall benefit to him at that time shewed, hée might safelie returne vnto the nobilitie of his realme; of whome he was generallie called to take vpon him the crown & scepter of the realme, sith they much hated and abhorred the tyrannie of king Ri|chard. King Charles promised him aid and comfort, and bade him be of good courage, and make good cheare; for he assured him that he would gladlie shew to him his beneuolent mind and bountifull liberali|tie. Which king from thence remooued to Mountar|gis, leading with him the earle of Richmond, and all the noble personages of his retinue and faction.

¶ This is that Charles the French K. in whose time France was all aflant, Abr. Fl. ex Gu [...]. page 13. for the state of that realme is said, that then it was verie populous in multitudes of men, for wealth and riches euerie particular regi|on most fertile and plentifull, for glorie in armes most florishing & renowmed, a policie well directed, discipline administred, an authoritie dreadfull, and EEBO page image 749 in opinion and hope most mightie; lastlie their gene|rall conditions and faculties so well furnished, as perhaps it was not more happie in these mortall fe|licities since the daies of Charlemaine. It was new|lie amplified in euerie one of the three parts wherein all Gall stood diuided by the ancients: for fortie yéeres before vnder Charles the seuenth (a prince for his victories obteined with great dangers called Happie) Normandie and the duchie of Guien, holden by the Englishmen, were reduced to the obedience of the French crowne. And in the last daies of Lewes the eleuenth, the earldome of Prouince, the dukedome of Burgognie, almost all Picardie, togither with the duchie of Britaine, were by a new mariage inuested in the power of Charles the eight.]

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