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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Richard being thus disquieted in mind, and doubtfull for the suertie of his owne estate, called to remembrance that confederations, honest bands and pacts of amitie, concluded and had betwixt princes and gouernours, are the efficient cause that realmes and common-wealths are strengthened with double power, that is, with aid of fréends abroad, and their owne forces at home. Wherevpon the deuised how to conclude a league and amitie with his neigh|bour the king of Scots: who not long before had made diuerse incursions and roads into the realme of England. And although he had not much got|ten; yet verelie he lost not much. And now euen as king Richard could haue wished, he of himselfe made sute for peace or truce to be had betwixt him and king Richard; who willinglie giuing eare to that sute, commissioners were appointed to méete about the treatie thereof,Sée Scot|land pag. 284, 285. as in the historie of Scotland it maie appeare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At length they agréed vpon a truce for three yeeres,A truce be|twixt Eng|land & Scot|land with a tr [...]atie of aliance. and withall for a further increase of firme fréend|ship and sure amitie (betwixt him and the king of Scots) king Richard entered into a treatie also of aliance for the concluding of a marriage betwixt the duke of Rothsaie (eldest sonne to the king of Scots) and the ladie Anne de la Poole daughter to Iohn duke of Suffolke and the duchesse Anne, sister to king Richard: which sister he so much fauoured, that studieng by all waies and meanes possible how to aduance hir linage, he did not onelie thus seeke to preferre hir daughter in marriage; but also after the death of his sonne, he proclamed Iohn earle of Lincolne hir sonne and his nephue,Iohn earle of Lincolne pro| [...]amed heire apparant to the crowne. heire apparant to the crowne of England, disheriting king Ed|wards daughters, whose brethren (as ye haue heard) he most wickedlie had caused to be murthered and made awaie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king of Scots standing in néed of freends, although not so greatlie as king Richard, did willing|lie consent to that motion of marriage,A marriage concluded be|twixt the prince of Rothsa [...]e & the duke of Suf|folkes daugh|ter. first broched by king Richard, insomuch that it tooke effect, and by commissioners was passed and concluded, in maner as in the historie of Scotland it likewise appeareth. But albeit that by this league and amitie thus co|uenanted and concluded, it might he thought, that all conspiracies, coniurations, and confederacies a|gainst king Richard had béene extinct, especiallie considering the duke of Buckingham and his a|lies were dispatched out of the waie, some by death, and some by flight and banishment into farre coun|tries: yet king Richard, more doubting than tru|sting to his owne people and freends, was conti|nuallie vexed and troubled in mind for feare of the earle of Richmonds returne: which dailie dread and hourelie agonie caused him to liue in dolefull miserie, euer vnquiet, and in maner in continuall calamitie.

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