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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the morning after, when the rage of the furi|ous tempest was asswaged, and the ire of blustering wind was some deale appeased; about the houre of noone the same daie, the earle approched to the south part of the realme of England,He séeth all the sea ban [...] furnished [...] souldiers. euen at the mouth of the hauen of Pole, in the countie of Dorset, where he might plainelie perceiue all the sea bankes & shores garnished and furnished with men of warre and soul|diers, appointed and deputed there to defend his arri|uall and landing (as before is mentioned.) Wherefore he gaue streict charge, and sore commandement, EEBO page image 745 that no person should once presume to take land, and go to shore, vntill such time as the whole nauie were assembled and come togither. [...] sendeth to [...]now whe| [...]her they [...]re with [...] or a| [...]ainst him. And while he taried and lingered, he sent out a shipboate toward the land side, to know whether they, which stood there in such a number, and so well furnished in apparell defensiue, were his foes and enimies, or else his fréends and comfortors.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 They that were sent to inquire, were instantlie de|sired of the men of warre keeping the coast (which thereof were before instructed & admonished) to des|cend and take land, affirming that they were appoin|ted by the duke of Buckingham there to await and tarie for the arriuall and landing of the earle of Rich|mond,A forged tale [...]o intrap the earles mes|sengers. and to conduct him safelie into the campe, where the duke not far of laie incamped with a migh|tie armie, and an host of great strength and power, to the intent that the duke and the earle, ioining in puis|sances and forces togither, might prosecute and chase king Richard being destitute of men, and in maner desperate, and so by that meanes, and their owne la|bours, to obteine the end of their enterprise which they had before begun.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Richmond suspecting their flattering request to be but a fraud (as it was in déed) after he perceiued none of his ships to appeare in sight, he weied vp his anchors, halsed vp his sailes, & hauing a prosperous and streinable wind, and a fresh gale sent euen by God to deliuer him from that perill and ieopardie, arriued safe and in all securitie in the du|chie of Normandie, where he (to refresh and solace his soldiers and people) tooke his recreation by the space of thrée daies,The earle ar|riueth in Normandie & passeth by land into Bri|taine againe. and cléerelie determined with part of his companie to passe all by land againe into Bri|taine. And in the meane season he sent ambassadors to the French king, called Charles the eight, which newlie succéeded his father king Lewes the ele|uenth, not long before departed to God, requiring of him a safe conduct and licence to passe thorough his countrie of Normandie into Britaine.

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