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Compare 1577 edition: 1 For with this Lewes she vsed sometime liberallie and familiarlie to talke, and now hauing oportuni|tie and occasion to expresse hir hart vnto him in this weightie matter, declared that the time was come that hir sonne should be ioined in marriage with la|die Elizabeth, daughter and heire to king Edward; and that king Richard being taken and reputed of all men for the common enimie of the relme, should out of all honor & estate be deiected, & of his crowne and kingdome be cléerelie spoiled and expelled: and required him to go to quéene Elizabeth (with whome in his facultie he was of counsell) not as a messen|ger, but as one that came fréendlie to visit and conso|late hir, and (as time & place should require) to make hir priuie of this deuise; not as a thing concluded, but as a purpose by him imagined.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This physician did not long linger to accomplish hir desire,Lewes the physician sheweth the quéene the whole con|ceipt and de|uise of the matter. but with good diligence repaired to the queene, being still in the sanctuarie at Westminster. And when he saw time propice and conuenient for his purpose, he said vnto hir: Madame, although my i|magination be verie simple, and my deuise more foolish; yet for the entier affection that I beare toward you and your children, I am so bold to vtter vnto you a secret and priuie conceit that I haue cast and com|passed in my fantasticall braine. When I well re|membred and no lesse considered the great losse and damage that you haue susteined, by the death of your noble and louing husband; and the great dolour and sorow that you haue suffered and tollerated, by the cruell murther of your innocent children: I can no lesse doo both of bounden duetie and christian charitie, than dailie to studie, and hourelie imagine, not one|lie how to bring your hart to comfort and gladnesse, but also deuise how to reuenge the righteous quarell of you and your children on that bloudie bloudsupper, and cruell tyrant king Richard.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And first consider, what battell, what manslaugh|ter, what mischéefe hath risen in this realme by the dissention betwéene the two noble houses of Yorke & Lancaster. Which two families (as I haue contri|ued) if they may be ioined in one, I thinke, yea and doubt not, but your line shall be againe restored to the pristinate estate and degrée; to your great ioie and comfort, and to the vtter confusion of your mor|tall EEBO page image 742 enimie the vsurper king. You know verie well madame,The coniunc|tion of the two families moo|ued to the Q. by the physi|cian. that of the house of Lancaster, the earle of Richmond is next of bloud, who is liuing, and a lustie yoong batcheler, and to the house of Yorke your daughters now are heires. If you could agree and in|uent the meane how to couple your eldest daughter with the yoong earle of Richmond in matrimonie, no doubt but the vsurper of the realme should be shortlie deposed, and your heire againe to hir right restored.

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