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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The man had an high heart, & sore longed vpward, not rising yet so fast as he had hoped,Authoritie [...]|ueth no part|ners. being hindered & kept vnder by the meanes of sir Richard Ratcliffe, EEBO page image 735 and sir William Catesbie, which longing for no mo parteners of the princes fauour; and namelie, not for him, whose pride they wist would beare no péere, kept him by secret drifts out of all secret trust, which thing this page well had marked and knowne. Wherefore this occasion offered, of verie speciall friendship he tooke his time to put him forward, and by such wise doo him good, that all the enimies he had (except the de|uill) could neuer haue doone him so much hurt. For vpon this pages words king Richard arose (for this communication had he sitting at the draught, a con|uenient carpet for such a councell) and came out in|to the pallet chamber, on which he found in bed sir Iames and sir Thomas Tirrels, of person like, and brethren of bloud, but nothing of kin in conditions.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then said the king merilie to them; What sirs, be ye in bed so soone? And calling vp sir Iames, brake to him secretlie his mind in this mischéeuous mat|ter. In which he found him nothing strange. Where|fore on the morow he sent him to Brakenberie with a letter,The constable of the Tower deliuereth the keies to sir Iames Tir|rell vpon the kings com|mandement. by which he was commanded to deliuer sir Iames all the keies of the Tower for one night, to the end he might there accomplish the kings plea|sure, in such things as he had giuen him commande|ment. After which letter deliuered, & the keies recei|ued, sir Iames appointed the night next insuing to destroie them, deuising before and preparing the meanes. The prince (as soone as the protector left that name, and tooke himselfe as king) had it shewed vn|to him, that he should not reigne, but his vncle shuld haue the crowne. At which word the prince sore aba|shed, began to sigh, and said: Alas, I would my vn|cle would let me haue my life yet, though I leese my kingdome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The two princes shut vp in close [...].Then he that told him the tale, vsed him with good words, and put him in the best comfort he could. But foorthwith was the prince and his brother both shut vp, & all other remooued from them, onelie one (cal|led Blacke Will, or William Slaughter) excepted, set to serue them and sée them sure. After which time the prince neuer tied his points, nor ought rought of himselfe; but with that yoong babe his brother, lin|gered with thought and heauinesse, vntill this traito|rous death deliuered them of that wretchednesse. For sir Iames Tirrell deuised, that they should be mur|thered in their beds. To the execution whereof, he ap|pointed Miles Forrest, one of the foure that kept them,The two murtherers of the two prin|ces appointed. a fellow fleshed in murther before time. To him he ioined one Iohn Dighton his owne horsse|kéeper, a big, broad, square, and strong knaue.

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