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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But that did she so wiselie, and with so good ma|ner, and words so well set, that she rather kindled his desire than quenched it. And finallie, after manie a méeting, much wooing, and many great promises, she well espieng the kings affection toward hir so great|lie increased, that she durst somewhat the more bold|lie saie hir mind, as to him whose hart she perceiued more seruentlie set, than to fall off for a word. And in conclusion,A wise an|swer of a chast and continent ladie. she shewed him plaine, that as she wis [...] hir selfe too simple to be his wife, so thought she hir selfe too good to be his concubine. The king much maruelling at hir constancie (as he that had not béen woont elsewhere to be so stiffelie said naie) so much e|steemed hir continencie and chastitie, that he set hir vertue in the stéed of possession and riches: and thus taking counsell of his desire, determined in all possi|ble hast to marie hir.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now after he was thus appointed, and had be|twéene them twaine insured hir: then asked he coun|sell of his other fréends, and that in such maner, as they might then perceiue it booted not greatlie to say naie.The kings mother. Notwithstanding the duches of Yorke his mo|ther was so sore mooued therewith, that she dissuaded the mariage as much as she possible might; alledg|ing that it was his honour, profit, and suertie also, to marie in a noble progenie out of his realme, where|vpon depended great strength to his estate, by the af|finitie and great possibilitie of increase of his posses|sion. And that he could not well otherwise doo, see|ing that the earle of Warwike had so farre moued alreadie: which were not likelie to take it well, if all his voiage were in such wise frustrate, and his ap|pointment deluded. And she said also, that it was not princelie to marie his owne subiect, no great occasi|on leading therevnto, no possessions, or other com|modities depending therevpon; but onlie as it were a rich man that would marie his maid, onelie for a lit|tle wanton do [...]age vpon hir person.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In which mariage manie mo commend the mai|dens fortune, than the maisters wisedome. And yet therein (she said) was more honestie than honour in this mariage. For somuch as there is betwéene no merchant and his owne maid so great difference, as betwéene the king and this widow. In whose per|son, albeit there was nothing to be misliked; yet was there (she said) nothing so excellent, but that it might be found in diuerse other that were more meetlie (quoth she) for your estate, and maidens also; whereas the onelie widowhead of Elizabeth Greie, though she were in all other things conuenient for you, shuld yet suffice (as me seemeth) to refraine you from hir mariage, sith it is an vnfitting thing, and a verie ble|mish and high disparagement to the sacred maiestie of a prince, that ought as nigh to approch priesthood in cleannesse as he dooth in dignitie, to be defiled with bigamie in his first mariage.

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