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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 O good God, the blindnesse of our mortall nature, when he most feared, he was in good suertie; when he reckoned himselfe surest, he lost his life, and that within two houres after. Thus ended this honora|ble man, a good knight and a gentle,The descrip|tion of the lord Hasting [...] of great authori|tie with his prince, of liuing somewhat dissolute, plaine and open to his enimie, & secret to his friend, easie to beguile, as he that of good heart and courage forestudied no perils, a louing man, and passing well beloued: verie faithfull, and trustie inough, trusting too much. Now flew the fame of this lords death EEBO page image 724 swiftlie through the citie, and so foorth further about like a wind in euerie mans eare. But the protector, immediatlie after dinner, intending to set some co|lour vpon the matter, sent in all the hast for manie substantiall men out of the citie into the Towre.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now at their comming, himselfe with the duke of Buckingham, stood harnessed in old ill faring bri|ganders, such as no man should wéene, that they would vouchsafe to haue put vpon their backs, ex|cept that some sudden necessitie had constreined them. And then the protector shewed them, that the lord chamberleine, and other of his conspiracie, had contriued to haue suddenlie destroied him, and the duke, there the same day in the councell. And what they intended further, was as yet not well knowne. Of which their treason he neuer had knowledge be|fore ten of the clocke the same forenoone, which sud|den feare draue them to put on for their defense such harnesse as came next to hand. And so had God hol|pen them, that the mischiefe turned vpon them that would haue doone it. And this he requireed them to report.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Euerie man answered him faire, as though no man mistrusted the matter, which of truth no man beléeued,The protec|tors procla|mation. Yet for the further appeasing of the peoples minds, he sent immediatlie after diner in all the hast one herald of armes, with a proclamation to be made through the citie in the kings name, contei|ning, that the lord Hastings, with diuerse other of his traitorous purpose, had before conspired the same day to haue slaine the lord protector, and the duke of Buckingham sitting in the councell; and after to haue taken vpon them to rule the king & the realme at their pleasure, and therby to pill and spoile whome they list vncontrolled. And much matter there was in that proclamation, deuised to the slander of the lord chamberleine, as that he was an ill councellor to the kings father, intising him to manie things highlie redounding to the minishing of his honour, and to the vniuersall hurt of the realme.

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