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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also that with repenting the duke should nothing auaile, for there was no waie left to redéeme his of|fense by benefits, but he should sooner destroie him|selfe than saue the king, who with his brother and his kinsfolks he saw in such places imprisoned, as the protector might with a becke destroie them all: and that it were no doubt but he would doo it in deed, if there were anie new enterprise attempted. And that it was likelie, that as the protector had prouided priuie gard for himselfe, so had he spials for the duke, and traines to catch him, if he should be against him; and that peraduenture from them, whome he lest su|spected. For the state of things and the dispositions of men were then such, that a man could not well tell whome he might trust, or whome he might feare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 These things and such like, being beaten into the dukes mind, brought him to that point, that where he had repented the way that he had entered; yet would he go foorth in the same; and sith he had once begun, he would stoutlie go thorough. And therefore to this wicked enterprise,The dukes full resoluti|on, to go tho|rough with his enter|prise. which he beléeued could not be voi|ded, he bent himselfe, and went through; and determi|ned, that sith the common mischéefe could not be a|mended, he would turne it as much as he might to his owne commoditie. Then it was agreed, that the protector shuld haue the dukes aid to make him king, and that the protectors onelie lawfull sonne should marrie the dukes daughter, and that the protector should grant him the quiet possession of the earldome of Hereford, which he claimed as his inheritance, and could neuer obteine it in king Edwards time.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Besides these requests of the duke, the protector of his owne mind promised him a great quantitie of the kings treasure, and of his houshold stuffe. And when they were thus at a point betwéene themsel|ues, they went about to prepare for the coronation of the yoong king, as they would haue it séeme. And that they might turne both the eies and minds of men from perceiuing of their drifts other-where, the lords being sent for from all parts of the realme, came thicke to that solemnitie. But the protector and the duke, after that they had sent the lord cardinall, the archbishop of Yorke then lord chancellor, the bi|shop of Elie, the lord Stanleie, and the lord Hastings then lord chamberlaine, with manie other noble men (*) to common & deuise about the coronation in one place, as fast were they in an other place, con|triuing the contrarie, and to make the protector king.

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