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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When the lord cardinall, and these other lords with him, had receiued this yoong duke, they brought him into the Star chamber, where the protector tooke him in his armes and kissed him with these words:O dissimula|tion. Now welcome my lord euen with all my verie heart. And he said in that of likelihood as he thought. Therevpon foorthwith they brought him vnto the king his brother into the bishops palace at Paules, and from thense thorough the citie honourablie into the Tower, out of the which after that daie they neuer came abroad. (*) When the protector had both the children in his hands,This that is here betwene this marke (*) & this marke (*) was not written by him in Eng|lish but is translated out o [...] his historie which he wrote in Latine. he opened himselfe more boldlie, both to cer|teine other men, and also cheeflie to the duke of Buc|kingham. Although I know that manie thought that this duke was priuie to all the protectors coun|sell, euen from the beginning; and some of the protec|tors fréends said, that the duke was the first moouer of the protector to this matter, sending a priuie mes|senger vnto him, streict after king Edwards death.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But others againe, which knew better the subtill wit of the protector, denie that he euer opened his enterprise to the duke, vntill he had brought to passe the things before rehearsed. But when he had impri|soned the queenes kinsfolks, & gotten both hir sonnes into his owne hands, then he opened the rest of his purpose with lesse feare to them whome he thought méet for the matter, and speciallie to the duke, who being woone to his purpose, he thought his strength more than halfe increased. The matter was broken vnto the duke by subtill folks, and such as were their craftes-masters in the handling of such wicked deui|ses: who declared vnto him that the yoong king was offended with him for his kinsfolks sake, and if he were euer able he would reuenge them, who would pricke him forward therevnto if they escaped (for they would remember their imprisonment) or else if they were put to death, without doubt the yoong K. would be carefull for their deaths, whose imprisonment was gréeuous vnto him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Also that with repenting the duke should nothing auaile, for there was no waie left to redéeme his of|fense by benefits, but he should sooner destroie him|selfe than saue the king, who with his brother and his kinsfolks he saw in such places imprisoned, as the protector might with a becke destroie them all: and that it were no doubt but he would doo it in deed, if there were anie new enterprise attempted. And that it was likelie, that as the protector had prouided priuie gard for himselfe, so had he spials for the duke, and traines to catch him, if he should be against him; and that peraduenture from them, whome he lest su|spected. For the state of things and the dispositions of men were then such, that a man could not well tell whome he might trust, or whome he might feare.

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