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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The law of nature will the moother to keepe his child, Gods law priuilegeth the sanctuarie, and the sanctuarie my sonne, sith I feare to put him in the protectors hands that hath his brother alreadie, and were (if both failed) inheritour to the crowne. The cause of my feare hath no man to doo to examine. And yet feare I no further than the law feareth, which (as learned men tell me) forbiddeth euerie man the custodie of them, by whose death he maie inherit lesse land than a kingdome. I can no more, but whosoeuer he be that breaketh this holie sanctuarie, I praie God shortlie send him néed of sanctuarie, when he maie not come to it. For ta|ken out of sanctuarie would I not my mortall eni|mie were.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The lord cardinall,The lord car|dinall vseth an other wa [...] to persuade the queéne. perceiuing that the quéene waxed euer the longer the farther off, and also that she began to kindle and chafe, and spake more biting words against the protector, and such as he neither be|léeued, and was also loth to heare, he said to hir for a finall conclusion, that he would no longer dispute the matter: but if she were content to deliuer the duke to him, and to the other lords present, he durst laie his owne bodie & soule both in pledge, not onelie for his suertie, but also for his estate. And if she would giue them a resolute answer to the contrarie, he would foorthwith depart therwithall, and shift who so would with this businesse afterwards: for he neuer inten|ded more to mooue hir in that matter, in which she thought that he & all other also (saue hir selfe) lacked either wit or truth: wit, if they were so dull that they could nothing perceiue what the protector intended truth, if they should procure hir sonne to be deliuered into his hands, in whom they should perceiue toward the child anie euill intended.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The quéene with these words stood a good while in a great studie. And forsomuch as hir seemed the car|dinall more readie to depart than some of the rem|nant, and the protector himselfe readie at hand; so that she verelie thought she could not kéepe him, but that he should incontinentlie be taken thense: and to conueie him else-where, neither had she time to serue hir, nor place determined, nor persons appointed, all things vnreadie, this message came on hir so sudden|lie, nothing lesse looking for, than to haue him set out of sanctuarie, which she thought to be now beset in such places about, that he could not be conueied out vntaken, and partlie as she thought it might for|tune hir feare to be false, so well she wist it was ei|ther néedlesse or bootlesse: wherefore if she should needs go from him, she deemed it best to deliuer him.

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