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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The quéenes replie vpon the lord car|dinall.A sir (quoth the quéene) hath the protector so tender zeale, that he feareth nothing but least he should es|cape him? Thinketh he that I would send him hence, which neither is in the plight to send out. And in what place could I reckon him sure, if he be not sure in this sanctuarie, whereof was there neuer tyrant yet so diuelish that durst presume to breake? And I trust God is as strong now to withstand his aduer|saries, as euer he was. But my sonne can deserue no sanctuarie, and therefore he can not haue it. For|sooth he hath found a goodlie glose, by which that place that may defend a théefe, may not saue an innocent. But he is in no ieopardie, nor hath no need thereof, would God he had not.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Troweth the protector (I praie God he may prooue a protector) troweth he that I perceiue not wherevnto his painted processe draweth? It is not honourable that the duke bide héere: it were comfortable for them both, that he were with his brother, bicause the king lacketh a plaifellow. Be you sure? I praie God send them both better plaifellowes than him, that maketh so high a matter vpon such a trifling pretext: as though there could none be founden to plaie with the king, but if his brother that hath no lust to plaie for sicknesse, come out of sanctuarie out of his safe|gard to plaie with him. As though princes (as yoong as they be) could not plaie but with their peeres, or children could not plaie but with their kinred, with whome for the more part they agrée much woorse than with strangers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But the child cannot require the priuilege. Who told him so? He shall heare him aske it, and he will. Howbeit, this is a gaie matter. Suppose he could not aske it, suppose he would not aske it, suppose he would aske to go out. If I saie he shall not; if I aske the pri|uilege but for my selfe, I say he that against my will taketh him out, breaketh the sanctuarie. Serueth this libertie for my person onelie, or for my goods too? Yée may not hence take my horsse fro me: and may you take my child fro me? He is also my ward: for as my learned counsell sheweth me, sith he hath nothing by descent holden by knights seruice, the law ma|keth his mother his gardian. Then may no man I suppose take my ward fro me out of sanctuarie, with|out the breach of the sanctuarie.

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