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Compare 1577 edition: 1 No man denieth, good madame (quoth the cardi|nall) but that your grace were of all folke most ne|cessarie about your children: and so would all the councell not onelie be content, but glad that ye were (if it might stand with your pleasure) to be in such place as might stand with their honour. But if you doo appoint your selfe to tarrie héere, then thinke they it more conuenient that the duke of Yorke were with the king honourablie at his libertie, to the com|fort of them both: than héere as a sanctuarie man, to their both dishonour and obloquie, sith there is not al|waie so great necessitie to haue the child to be with the mother: but that occasion may sometime be such, that it should be more expedient to keepe him else|where. Which in this well appeareth, that at such time as your déerest sonne then prince, and now king, should for his honor, and good order of the countrie, keepe houshold in Wales, farre out of your com|panie: your grace was well content therewith your selfe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Not verie well content (quoth the queene) and yet the case is not like, for the tone was then in health, and the tother is now sicke. In which case, I maruell greatlie,The quéenes mistrust of the lord protector. that my lord protector is so desirous to haue him in his kéeping, where if the child in his sicknesse miscarried by nature, yet might he run into slander and suspicion of fraud. And where they call it a thing so sore against my childes honor, and theirs also, that he bideth in this place: it is all their honours there to suffer him bide, where no man doubteth he shall be best kept; and that is héere, while I am heere, which as yet intend not to come foorth and ieopard my selfe after other of my fréends, which would God were ra|ther héere in suertie with me, than I were there in ieopardie with them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whie madame (quoth another lord) know you anie thing whie they should be in ieopardie?The lord Howard, saith Edw. Hall. Naie verelie sir (quoth shee) nor whie they should be in prison nei|ther, as they now be. But it is (I trow) no great mar|uell though I feare, least those that haue not letted to put them in duresse without colour, will let as little to procure their destruction without cause. The cardi|nall made a countenance to the other lord, that he should harpe no more vpon that string; and then said he to the queene, that he nothing doubted, but that those lords of hir honorable kin, which as yet remai|ned vnder arrest, should vpon the matter examined, doo well inough: and as toward hir noble person, neither was nor could be anie maner ieopardie.

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